Example sentences of "but the [noun pl] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He had already heard Osvaldo was dead — the malais had wasted no time in letting that he known — but the circumstances had been different .
2 I went to all the lectures and they 're easy to go to , because you 're spoon-fed , they do n't sit back and they do n't philosophize , a lot of it , it 's all material on the board , which can be a bit boring sometimes , but we 've done some big course like quantum mechanics and there have been a few other theoretical ones which have been really involved but the lecturers have been really good , you can see how excited they are , and it starts spilling over to you .
3 Because money from the off-farm jobs was put into the farm , it was difficult to ascertain what the trading position of the part-time farm actually was but the figures quoted are considered to be fairly near the mark .
4 If true , this would be another remarkable illustration of the episodic nature of sedimentation , but the figures have been disputed .
5 The other score — of damage to sons , property and livestock — was never calculated , but the injuries sustained were not considered excessive , and everyone agreed that it was one of the best hurling matches they 'd seen in several years .
6 But the floodgates had been breached .
7 But the breakages have been paid for have n't they , we have .
8 These can be described by a series of complicated integrals , but the integrals have been expressed in terms of just three parameters , A , B and C , called Racah Parameters .
9 The questions raised may have been interesting , but the answers given were tritely familiar ; the authorial tone was relentlessly baleful .
10 But the machines have been overwhelmed since the 1960s , not least by the impact of mass media and by demographic upheaval : New York 's non-Hispanic white population dropped from 77% of the total to 43% between 1960 and 1990 .
11 But the CTCs have been criticised by opponents who say the Government has lavished money on a few pupils at the expense of others throughout the country .
12 Out in the bush the nomadic people still drive their camels and cattle over huge tracts of land , but the herds have been decimated , and along with the drought , some watering holes are now out-of-bounds as clan allegiances shift and change .
13 Nobody is playing as yet , but the lines have been freshly painted , a large old roller is being stored by an elderly man with tribal scars on his cheeks ( like the marks made by French grill pans on bifteck ) , and a big jug of lemon squash is standing in the shade of a little thatched tennis house , protected from the desires of wasps and flies by a beaded lace doily .
14 But the consequences have been different , because East European expectations have been higher than Soviet ones .
15 It has been held that keeping a motor-car in a garage with petrol in the tank , and a motor-coach in a parking ground after the tank has been emptied is a non-natural use of land , but the decisions have been criticised .
16 Police investigating sex attacks at knife-point on a 29-year-old Filipino woman said that they ‘ believe there may have been earlier victims — but the women have been too ashamed to report the attacks ’ ( Mail on Sunday ) .
17 There are , no doubt , many examples of harmonious relationships between the two tiers , but the tensions have been significant in both England and Scotland since reorganisation ( Alexander 1982a:Ch. 3 Passim ; 132 — 3 ) .
18 But the skills involved are at least equalled by those lavished on some of the base metal objects , such as the iron sword with its complex design of pattern welding ( see p. 88 ) and the intricately cast and decorated escutcheons on the hanging bowls .
19 But the skills have been almost forgotten and that 's what makes reviving them so difficult .
20 The sets , often exquisitely detailed illusion painted on flats or fixed on netting , date from the early 1950s , but the costumes have been made afresh from the original designs and the production is relatively new .
21 At the beginning of book in , when describing the revolt of Lesbos in 427 , Thucydides says that the Lesbians ‘ had been wanting to revolt even before the war , but the Spartans had been unwilling to receive them into alliance ’ .
22 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
23 The outer room was empty , but the lights had been left on .
24 Protests are expected , but the players have been drilled .
25 But the officers had been given no orders to occupy these positions , so they simply returned to their lines to await instructions .
26 But the Wolfkings have been exiled and , although the Gruagach are at Tara , it is I who truly rule .
27 Inside , the columns are often from ruined Roman buildings but the capitals have been made specifically for the church and therefore the general interior scheme is more congruous than examples in Rome .
28 The principles remain the same today , but the processes have been made more speedy and economical by mechanized methods , including the harvesting of the apples .
29 But the procedures involved were more than attempts to improve the sensitivity of attitude measures ; they also involved no little reformulation of the theory of attitudes .
30 Capitalism survived but the writers have been largely forgotten .
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