Example sentences of "but there can be [art] " in BNC.

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1 States do n't advertise such intentions , but there can be no doubt that Syria , for one , is working overtime on a means of killing the general .
2 His speeches were , of course , dominated by the great foreign political issues of the year , but there can be no doubt that Hitler was deliberately steering clear of the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and that there was a continued conscious attempt to dissociate his public image from the seamier side of anti-Semitism visible in the renewed growing violence of Party activists .
3 They will have to be evolved cautiously but there can be no doubt that governments will eventually be forced to greater direct intervention in land use .
4 The Emperor accepted the request with good grace and his habitual courtesy , but there can be no doubt that he viewed the events in Spain with alarm .
5 It is a major triumph of the twentieth century that many more people survive to a ripe old age , but there can be no room for complacency .
6 He could choose between the civil law and the law of trusts , but there can be no doubt that the law of trusts was superior .
7 The plantations are often considered of little value as bird habitats , but there can be no doubt of their importance at some stages of their development .
8 But there can be no doubting that the Twingo is a statement and there are no compromises .
9 Costs do rise , as you are careful to point out at the start of the feature , but there can be no excuse for the blatant abuse of the costings given .
10 But there can be no doubt that for the discovery of certain parts of truth the wicked and unhappy are in a more favourable position and are more likely to succeed ; not to mention the wicked who are happy — a species about whom the moralists are silent …
11 But there can be no appeal on the grounds that a house is worth less than when it was valued .
12 But there can be no appeal on the grounds that a house is worth less than when it was valued .
13 But there can be no doubt as to the Christian method in face of that challenge .
14 But there can be no excuse for what happened . ’
15 The barbarism of Boipatong may ultimately move the goalposts , and perhaps rightly so , but there can be no doubt that the selectors will welcome back their Pirate King with guilt-free zeal .
16 The delusion that democracy … is a progressive form of government , lies deep within the convictions of a particular political school ; but there can be no delusion grosser …
17 The perceptions of their interests by the two parties may not always be entirely accurate , or they may change over time , but there can be no doubt of the importance they hold for local government structure .
18 But there can be no doubt that the Boy Scouts made an extraordinary impact on the era .
19 He will be with his people , but there can be no familiarity .
20 But there can be no doubt that some such terminology is needed for this feature of the parallelistic line .
21 But there can be no real doubt that it was on medical advice that Law resigned , for he was advised that only a complete break would save him from total breakdown , and he was actually suffering from the disease that was to kill him in less than three years .
22 The procedure lacks the ritual formality of the High Court , but there can be no doubt that serious legal issues are being considered .
23 Over the years Royal Commissions have been noted for the lack of impact made by their recommendations , but there can be no doubt that the profession was frightened by the Benson Commission .
24 But there can be no doubt that higher education is largely a mental rather than manual occupation : in terms of the classification in the US Department of Labor 's Dictionary of Occupational Titles , it involves work with ideas rather than work with people or work with things .
25 But there can be no doubt or question that , in Oxford in the late sixties , Clinton was keeping company with many who were enthusiastically breaking the laws of their own country .
26 But there can be no logic in depriving a litigant of a right of appeal where the final hearing is divided into parts by analogy with the decisions whereby a frivolous or vexatious litigant is deprived of a right to any hearing .
27 Archbishop Theodore was to appoint his own choice , Eorcenwald , abbot of Chertsey , as bishop of London in succession to Wine , probably in 675 ( HE IV , 6 ) , but there can be no doubt about the reality of Mercian power in Wulfhere 's last years not only north but also south of the Thames , facilitated in all probability by the death of Ecgberht , king of Kent , in 673 ( see above , p. 44 ) and the disintegration of the overkingship of Cenwealh among the western Saxons across the years 672–5 ( see above , pp. 52 ff . ) .
28 The legatine visitation would provide Offa with an opportunity to acquaint the pope with his plans and the thinking behind them , but there can be no question about the opposition to them at Canterbury .
29 But there can be no doubt from a candid examination of the New Testament accounts that the prime purpose of the coming of the Spirit of God upon the disciples was to equip them for mission .
30 But there can be no guarantees . ’
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