Example sentences of "but they [modal v] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But they would have met when both the Tallentire brothers became ill and died and some thing had to be done about the farming land that went with Aunt Bessie 's house at Low Fields .
2 But they would have said that anyway .
3 Her family survived the war in the occupied Dutch city of Arnhem , but they would have gone hungry as the Nazis retreated without the help of international aid groups .
4 Should have worn gloves because they would have protected his hands , but they would have denied him the freedom of movement that he now needed .
5 Before the war at a luncheon party like this people would have said precisely the same things but they would have sounded different , because in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise , not articulate , but musical , exciting , which changed the value of the words themselves …
6 But they would have looked ridiculous alongside the others .
7 But they would have found out ; slow they might be , stupid they ai n't .
8 But they would have had to pass through all those last months with me .
9 Yes , but they would have failed anyway .
10 The British theatrical Establishment who thought he aspired to be their new idol would be puzzled over ‘ All I wanted to do was to live ’ — but they would have let it pass as a Welsh eccentricity ; ‘ to act at the Old Vic ’ would have drawn beams of approval .
11 AIDS is an everyday topic in the papers and on television ; there is every chance that your children have become interested , even at a young age , but they may have misunderstood things and have some strange ideas .
12 Treasury should be followed , but they may have taken that view precisely because , so far as B was concerned , it was a case of questions being put to a person who had been charged .
13 Wet rot is obvious if the timbers are wet , but they may have dried out so watch for stain marks and test the ends of joists , beams and trusses with a screwdriver to see if they are soft or brittle .
14 Conversely , the colour may well be perfect but they may have had their fill before you arrived .
15 But they might have run round with the mop and a bit of beeswax .
16 But they might have remained as also-rans if the rhynchosaurs had not already been driven into extinction
17 If they had agreed with British Airways , I could understand that they might have left the issue alone , but they might have come to different conclusions and taken different action .
18 I 'm not saying they 'd have been sucked down with the yacht but they might have had a rather uncomfortable time . ’
19 Madam Deputy Speaker there is course another matter of er of er broader significance and that is that er whilst these orders er er er cover erm certain financial institutions , they do n't erm they do n't cover others , they do n't cover Lloyds of London in so far as I could see , erm I 'd half expected to see the honourable member for Gloucester West er in his place to pursue his campaign that apparently he er he he is not able to be here and indeed er others who sit on the benches opposite who lost a large sum of money in Lloyds , er but they might have had something to say about it as it does seem odd that Lloyds has not been covered , no doubt the minister would tell us that needs primary legislation and I I 'm quite sure this government would move heaven and earth not to introduce another Lloyds bill er because of er the problems that that would no doubt attract .
20 But they 'll have crossed that place off their list . ’
21 But they will have had a good reason . ’
22 But they will have stockpiled all the food and wine , the grain and livestock and powder that they could ?
23 The other two were small fish , Jack Elam and Neville Brand , but they could have argued over first and second place in an Ugly Contest .
24 Wales had all those great backs but they could have done nothing without their forwards .
25 But they could have cost an 8 year old boy his life .
26 I did n't expect my family to visit me because it was too far , but they could have wrote .
27 It would n't have kept the prisoners in , but they could have gone anyway had they chosen to do so .
28 Their torches barely penetrated the gloom , but they could have laid the charges by feel in complete darkness : all their training was paying off .
29 But they could have got into the boarding annexe .
30 The duchess apart , little is known of their lives or even what their connection was with this village , but they should have left us £3,000 a year in charities .
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