Example sentences of "but they [verb] [not/n't] make " in BNC.

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1 He said there were 4 potential wage earners in the household but they had n't made any payment for 17 months .
2 They 've refurbished it but they 've not made any space for a down escalator have they ?
3 ‘ The airlines all know , of course , but they tend not to make it public for commercial reasons . ’
4 Marx 's famous dictum in the opening page of The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is not structuralist in Althusser 's sense : ‘ Men make their own history , but they do not make it just as they please ’ ( Marx , 1977 , p. 300 ) .
5 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
6 We think that a coherent radical pluralism can be constructed on the basis of a humanism which accepts , as Marx put it , that human beings ‘ make their own history , but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 300 ) .
7 These measures may make getting information off the P N C more difficult , but they do not make it impossible .
8 ‘ 'Men make their own history , ’ to quote the master , ‘ but they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves , but under circumstances directly encountered , given and transmitted from the past .
9 The ‘ good guys ’ are all very well but they do n't make headlines .
10 But … but they do n't make up life … well , not entirely . ’
11 But they do n't make the mistake of breaking in right away .
12 Erm peacocks ' tails may make them beautiful and more reproductively successful with peahens , but they do n't make them fitter in terms of erm life expectancy .
13 Many organisations , as I 'm sure you are aware , buy computer or receive them as gifts , but they do n't make full use of them because of the lack of money for the necessary training and consultancy .
14 They may have done so , but they did not make it clear that they had .
15 These are sacrifices by any standards but they have not made them because they want to be heroes .
16 But they have not made a single bid at Britain 's top yearling sale this week .
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