Example sentences of "but that [art] [noun sg] had " in BNC.

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1 Barroso disclosed that an agenda and timetable for talks had been drawn up , but that a ceasefire had not been discussed .
2 Within an hour Andrew Jones was aware that he was back in the land of the living but that a doctor had n't been called .
3 Did not tradition relate how Saint James had three times attempted to ascend Massis , and on the third occasion been told by an angel that it was forbidden , but that the angel had given him a plank of wood from the Ark , and there where he had received it was founded the monastery of Saint James ?
4 MacKenna J. held that there was an implied term that in such a case the seller was not completely excused from all performance but that the buyer had the option of accepting delivery of the reduced quantity , at a pro rata price .
5 The New Statesman was not saying that familial and sexual issues should not be discussed under any circumstances , but that the discussion had gone too far .
6 On appeal by the university and the Lord President , the Court of Appeal held that the visitor 's decision was amenable to judicial review but that the university had not exceeded its powers in dismissing the applicant and that the dismissal was valid .
7 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that there was no rule that the Crown was exempt from giving a cross-undertaking in damages in law enforcement proceedings , but that the court had a discretion not to require the undertaking and that the discretion extended to other public authorities exercising the function of law enforcement in appropriate circumstances ; and that subject to the impact of Community law the courts should have exercised that discretion ( post , pp. 173D–F , 181G — 182B , G–H , 190D–E ) .
8 He added that holding the hostages had " given a great service to the cause of peace " but that the time had come to take a final decision on this " humanitarian issue " .
9 The insurers appealed to the Court of Appeal , contending that there had been no appropriation of the property by the buyer but that the owner had transferred the ownership of the property to the buyer , who had obtained a voidable title .
10 It was shown that someone with normally sensitive skin would not have been affected but that the purchaser had abnormally sensitive skin .
11 A police spokeswoman said an incident room had been set up at West Hendon police station but that the investigation had not become a murder inquiry .
12 In a reference to the ANC 's suspension of the armed struggle in August , Mandela said that this was done to further the peace process but that the movement had nevertheless not forfeited its right to self-defence .
13 When the 1927 Cinematograph Act came up for review , there was agreement that the quota had stimulated domestic production and should be renewed , but that the quickie had to go .
14 On Sept. 8 , Associated Press reported that a UN delegation had met Gen. Aydid and proposed an intensive 100-day effort to move food through " corridors of tranquillity " to starving people in southern areas , but that the general had not agreed .
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