Example sentences of "but i [vb mod] n't see " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Constable Bewman here pointed out that each guest had their plate handed to them by Edith but I ca n't see how that would give the murderer any scope . ’
2 I 'd like another one , actually , but I ca n't see it happening now . ’
3 I turn my head sideways to see how I look with my ears showing , but I ca n't see proper .
4 I get up and look at the picture real close to see if there 's a baby in the boat , but I ca n't see one .
5 I got to cross the road , but I ca n't see no green man thing where I can cross safely .
6 It 's got stuff in it , but I ca n't see what it is .
7 I try and find the fag packet , but I ca n't see it no more .
8 I have a look round to see if Simon 's there , but I ca n't see him .
9 But I ca n't see the motive . ’
10 But I ca n't see how I 'd actually be able to use that . ’
11 I do n't know why , but I ca n't see things that clearly .
12 ‘ The hard part is not letting it go to your head , but I ca n't see Kylie making that mistake .
13 The DHAC and the Republican Clubs will push for that but I ca n't see anyone else .
14 But I ca n't see how on earth to make it go away . ’
15 But I ca n't see into the future ’ .
16 But I ca n't see why anyone should invent a story like that . ’
17 I 'm sorry , Dad , but I ca n't see it the way you do .
18 ‘ I 'd be quite interested in that but I ca n't see it happening here .
19 But I ca n't see Philip sitting back and doing nothing about it .
20 ‘ I did not see Camilla but I ca n't see everyone there .
21 But I ca n't see the man who squirmed through six successive defeats last spring and still reached the Premier League losing too much sleep .
22 But I ca n't see her beating the progressive NODFORM WONDER who has won with his head in his chest twice recently .
23 But I ca n't see in the long run that it would make any difference to what we 've been talking about , seeing who Maggie is .
24 But I ca n't see the local doctor being blackballed . ’
25 But I ca n't see her with a very decent future with the mother she 's got . ’
26 ‘ Maybe that is true , but I ca n't see how it will deter a side which has superior scrummaging from trying to use it in such a situation ’ , said Ken Rowlands , the WRU director of refereeing .
27 The defining of duties and responsibilities is not impossible , but I ca n't see local authorities committing themselves to such a survey now .
28 I look through the letter-box but I ca n't see anything ; I reach in and feel a box on the far side of the thick door .
29 ‘ It 's very hard to predict because the costs are coming down rapidly , but I ca n't see it being an economic proposition until well into the next century , ’ Shah concludes .
30 I have been out with a couple of people , but I ca n't see myself with anybody else but Keith .
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