Example sentences of "but it be [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 But it is also because their own specialist interests have led them in other directions .
2 But it is also because of the geography of growth of the service sector , which has also been very uneven .
3 This is partly because more is known about him , and because his drawings and those of his younger contemporary John Thorpe [ q.v. ] ( a high proportion of which are survey drawings ) are the only large personal collection from this period that still exist , but it is also because of the distinctive and remarkable character of the houses with which he can be connected .
4 But it is also because people in the Third World have realized that there are very few jobs available in which their children can use an education .
5 But it is also because one or two traders have squeezed the Brent forward market , which sets the price .
6 This is partly because of the association between old age and poor housing conditions , but it is primarily because of the association between poor housing conditions and low-income owners .
7 But it is just because participants in conversation may be expected to observe the sub-maxim " be orderly " that we have that expectation .
8 But it is partly because the social security system is centrally run , overworked and understaffed that the customers all too often receive such a poor service .
9 But it is largely because Loch Ness is so biologically unproductive that it is also biologically stable : it is spared the seasonal booms and crashes in the populations of living things that are characteristic of more productive lakes .
10 But it is precisely because many of us do that they are dangerous .
11 But it is precisely because it is an act of the whole man that it includes the understanding .
12 You might be surprised that this needs mentioning ; but it is precisely because these same strategies are maladaptive in many domestic situations that horses are labelled stupid .
13 There are many reasons for this , but it is mainly because the infilled ditch contains more moisture than the surrounding dry soil .
14 but sometimes actually it 's a more , you know , kind of it 's , it 's , it 's not really because they 've got problems but it 's just because they , they 're , they 're , they 're sort of more diligent and more , you know , more motivated but erm yeah getting on
15 They 're good but it 's just because they 're rough .
16 because there 's no job opportunities over here , it 's a lovely country but it 's simply because of the work factor .
17 Erm , so I 'll agree with Mr Grigson that we do suggest there are more households changing their own dwellings , but it 's simply because we 're trying to iron out of the problems that we feel have occurred within the major estimates .
18 But it 's also because our supporters understand the nature of the emergency and the need to stay together until our goal is fulfilled .
19 But it , it , it caused an initial aggravation , but it 's only because people did n't know .
20 so er usually people , people do , people do leave but it 's usually because they , they , they 're they 're sick of it or you know they , they want
21 But it was mostly because he had eaten so much .
22 In part this was due to the public-sector controls on investment , but it was also because of the natural priorities that had operated year after year inside British Rail .
23 But it was also because the overt challenge to the authority of the State high lighted the potential for much more widespread unrest .
24 But it was also because Britain , as a heavily industrialised nation , got little in return from Brussels under CAP payments .
25 This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative , but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day 's work .
26 Early on , Solowka and Gregory did their own bit of AWOLing but it was usually because of a Littlewoods Cup replay , not to escort a bevy of simpering temptresses in nylon flairs .
27 This did happen frequently for a variety of reasons , but it was usually because of a worsening of weather conditions either at home base or over the target area .
28 But it was only because much , too , bore very directly upon the most urgent domestic questions that it made an impact at home .
29 But it was only because it was done in er er I think .
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