Example sentences of "but it be also [verb] " in BNC.

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31 But it is also acquiring its partner 's stakes in an industrial development in Surrey , and a housing development in Ilford , Essex .
32 Essentially it is a sexually-transmitted disease but it is also carried in infected blood and blood products so ‘ at risk ’ are intravenous drug users ; recipients of blood transfusions , for example haemophiliacs ; and anyone who is in contact with the blood of infected individuals .
33 Its main use is as a riding/tool/brake vehicle on winter works trains , but it is also doing temporary duty as a tickets/sales vehicle at Bala on busy days in the season .
34 Group 2 argued , for instance , that this configuration is not only cohesively linked by a broad lexical set including the items " rained " , " water " and " wet " , but it is also linked in terms of an implicit cause-and-effect relationship between the propositions expressed by each sentence .
35 The legislation 's main aim is to safeguard research and storage of embryos , but it is also attempting to monitor a complex set of issues .
36 But it 's also fears that the Party itself is becoming too radical too , they always want to control two elements and I mean on the last page , point number sixteen it says that how that erm tt that how that the Communist Party members ought to refrain from securing undue benefits by taking advantage of their leading position .
37 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
38 To tell you what to do but it 's also knowing how to do it , because sometimes especially if we knew in the truth , we do n't always know what to do and if we 're very young you see , we 're , it 's , it 's one
39 Not , not there is a side chapel there , the east chapel and that 's the catholic chapel but it 's also used by the non- catholic group .
40 But it 's also proved its worth in peacetime .
41 But it 's also identifying me .
42 A , it 's part of , it 's linked to the fact that erm , the Council 's quite erm concerned to get , you know , community groups active in the town and responding to things as well as just the Council , Council Officer 's , but it 's also linked to the fact that we as Council Officer 's ca n't be overtly political , it 's far to say , and you know , what happens is groups get set up to resist things like last year when the hospital lost the fifty million pounds , there 's enough people on it now to say that it 's you people here that formed the bulk of thos e groups .
43 but it 's also linked , I mean the other thing that I 've got at the back of my mind , is a kind of nightmare , is that when we were talking about the Festival around about March that you know , we spoke to Ingy er you know as a group and then that was all fine and we kept er going along and then , and then there was that sort of dreadful phone call I had from Linda along the lines as I 'm not sure if I 've got any describers
44 but it was also stated very clearly that the brochures were based on a budget figure , it was an estimate and it would be er the subject of an adjustment at a later stage
45 Not only did the church 's social teaching directly enter into the definition of rights , wrongs , and obligations within this nation state , but it was also to affect one aspect of the structure of government .
46 The tower at Radway was based on the medieval Guy 's tower at Warwick Castle , but it was also intended to underline the historical associations of the place : standing on the spot where King Charles I is supposed to have raised his standard before the battle of Edgehill , it was designed to house a statue of the British hero Caractacus and was decorated with emblems of the Saxon heptarchy , and its ceremonial opening took place on the anniversary of the death of Oliver Cromwell .
47 Alexander III 's approach reflected his own predilections , but it was also based on a sound sense of the options open to him .
48 This criticism was expressed most often by physical science students , but it was also made by physics students ; for example
49 There was , then , unanimous agreement that the overriding function of the continuation schools was to prepare their pupils for ‘ the efficient discharge of the duties of citizenship ’ , but it was also understood that in order to make this viable , young people had to be taught to ‘ increase their adaptability and skill in bread-winning occupations ’ .
50 Government agents were suspected , but it was also realised that a freelance group could have been responsible for the killings .
51 But it was also recognized that such circumstances called for different strategies within the respective elementary and higher sectors of education .
52 It was different from the one where she had bought her extra , but it was also manned by Mickey Rooney .
53 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
54 It was working , but it was also hurting .
55 The government had to ‘ have participation in it ’ , but it was also structured so that ‘ the government was not supposed to have participation in it ’ .
56 She said that some social workers were uneasy about that , and she agreed that it involved trust , but it was also to avoid abandoning the problem to someone else .
57 It was functional — but it was also enjoyed by the child .
58 Harrison v Hill [ 1932 ] SC ( J ) 13 where a road maintained by a farmer , leading from the public road to his farmhouse , was held to be a road , the farmer turned away people who were using it from time to time but it was also used by people having no business at the farm ;
59 Well , now , I was n't , cos I was on holiday at the last meeting , so I could n't check , I have down Grace , but it was also queried at the time .
60 It was made , but it was also found to be known already and to have been patented in the USA , along with Sontochin , by Winthrop .
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