Example sentences of "but to the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It took me some time to put the fantastic story of the Gauguin inheritance behind me — not out of my mind , but to the back of it , not only because I wondered if they might deteriorate , but also at the bizarre irony of a family sitting on a fortune which they refused to touch .
2 This remark did not , as his passengers might have thought , refer either to the condition of the road or to his not having thought on about Easter , but to the problem of where the other two were going to eat lunch .
3 I agree with my hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff , South and Penarth ( Mr. Michael ) that it is doubly absurd to destroy jobs in the British tobacco industry — as has been done on a large scale — if that leads not to a reduction in tobacco consumption but to the substitution of imported brands of cigarette .
4 Ngo Van Loc started to slow the car , but to the surprise of the Americans Jacques Devraux motioned him to keep driving .
5 But to the surprise of western political spectators , last autumn 's elections returned Iliescu to power in preference to the policies of Emil Constantinescu and the Democratic Convention , an anti-government coalition promising civil liberties and a free market economy .
6 Units of study include International , Political , Social and Intellectual History , and attention is given not only to the history of Europe , including Britain and Ireland , but to the history of the United States , the Middle East , and South and East Asia .
7 To bring the Crown out of the poverty and debt which had marked most of the reign of Henry VI , both Edward IV and Richard III used professional receivers , auditors , and surveyors to increase the revenue from Crown lands ; and much of this larger income was paid , neither to the Exchequer nor to the Crown 's creditors , but to the Chamber of the royal Household , where it was at the disposal of the King .
8 On the basis of the above analysis by the Court it might be more accurate to say that the test is a commercial one but that it relates not to the transfer of ownership of enterprises , but to the transfer of economic or organisational activities .
9 ‘ Social responsibility for the librarian , then , means responsibility not simply to society as it is , but to the society of the future and the past .
10 But for the next week the Circus is very much in town … much to the dismay of the greengrocer who provided lunch but to the delight of those watching
11 I spoke not to an individual child but to the head of school in Hatfield where the scheme was piloted and I have to say he was , he neither rhapsodised nor condemned .
12 The lack of attention devoted to it by the British Government and , in particular , by the British press , in terms of the discussions at Maastricht , is symptomatic of our isolationist approach not only to Europe , but to the development of regional policy .
13 Not only does it refer to developing in a photographic sense , but to the development of a group of young people . ’
14 A hyper-sensitive fellow , such things cause him great and needless upset but to the rest of the band , it is largely water off a duck 's back , and they are dutifully protective of their singer , as are many of the people working around the band .
15 Attention is drawn thus not to the autonomous ‘ universe of discourse ’ and its logic of ‘ true versus false ’ but to the field of power and its logic of ‘ friend versus foe ’ .
16 Such a development required a strong defence , and the point to which they referred time and time again was that ‘ modern conditions ’ made it imperative that education be structured into a coherent national system , with special attention being paid to working-class youth , not merely to trade classes for apprentices , but to the mass of young workers .
17 Hitler is still today regarded there in ‘ heroic ’ terms as a ‘ great statesman ’ and ‘ significant personality ’ , whose foreign policy achieved German power and autonomy , while his failure and the loss of the war are put down to sabotage from within , and the war itself attributed not to Hitler but to the meddling of the western powers in a German-Polish conflict .
18 On the further consideration of the action , Macnaghten J. held that , as the plaintiff , under the agreement , was to pay not to the creditors but to the credit of their solicitors there was a sufficient consideration .
19 At such close quarters , mistakes would have been more than evident but to the merit of all those involved , these were at a minimum and more than compensated for by sheer enthusiasm .
20 There are also indirect impacts of silviculture which relate not only to forest management but to the construction of roads and the effect of forest removal on watershed management .
21 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
22 The learned Chief Justice had already dealt with inevitable accident , so that he was presumably contemplating a case in which the presence of A's goods on C's land was due , not to that , but to the tort of A or of someone else for whose act A was in some way or other responsible .
23 This sudden rise of the river was familiar to the Collector ; he knew that it was not due to a fall of rain in the district but to the melting of the snows in the high Himalayas .
24 Few appointments made by the Civil Service Commission in recent years will be so crucial , not just to the efficient running of the welfare state , but to the progress of the most significant Civil Service reform this century .
25 It was typical that on his retirement he and his wife moved — not to somewhere in England , but to the South of France .
26 But to the north of New Zealand , the ocean current runs in a giant circle , a gyre .
27 That the rate of growth accelerated after 1945 is some measure of the impact of the Second World War ; but to the question of whether the institutional changes this embodied were enough to match the requirements of rapid economic growth , the answer is clearly no .
28 But Cooper 's figures also possess a larger than life boldness due not so much to childlike innocence but to the kind of confidence we imagine Eve and Adam had before the Fall , However , she is not confronting us with an easily gained optimism nor do her disembodied heads , upturned women and mild impassive eyes really evoke a vision of dream .
29 Rifat Efendi gives Rajab 828/May-June 1425 for Molla Fenari 's appointment not to the Muftilik but to the kadilik of Bursa , but it seems likely that this is a slip of the pen and that he means the Muftilik inasmuch as he says that Molla Fenari went on the pilgrimage in 822/1419 before he became Mufti , an appointment he has not otherwise mentioned .
30 He conducted a lengthy series of experiments on the conversion of iron into steel , from which he concluded — contrary to conventional wisdom — that steel owed its properties not to its exceptional purity , but to the presence of impurities .
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