Example sentences of "but in [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At the same age , Mary 's understanding of the nature and exercise of royal power found its most direct and deeply-felt expression not in awareness of the great political and religious crises of her day , but in quarrels with her governess , Madame de Parois , which were the subject of her most impassioned , ‘ near hysterical ’ letters to her mother , her regent in Scotland , in 1556 — 7 .
2 But in terms of its being easier and cheaper to disband and its not carrying the same legal authority , it is not the same as marriage .
3 We should therefore be honest enough to defend our tampering not in terms of its purported linguistic merits , but in terms of its political utility for raising consciousness , denouncing sexism and empowering women .
4 As Schwab ( 1964 ) has pointed out , one of the features of Plato 's scheme is that it does not primarily classify knowledge in terms of what it is of or about but in terms of its quality — its degrees of reality .
5 ‘ Fund accounting ’ refers to the practice of accounting , not in terms of an organization taken as whole , but in terms of its separate , independent , constituent parts ( which are called ‘ funds ’ ) .
6 But , as Foucault remarked ( 1977 p 15 ) , the exercise of power also has to be efficient not just financially but in terms of its social and political repercussions .
7 British policy making and there are many similarities between our country , not in size but in terms of its democratic traditions , British policy making tends to be in the end more uniform .
8 ‘ I wanted to use the presence of the guitar more aggressively , ’ says Lindsey , ‘ not only in solos and in the classical bits in between some of the songs , but in terms of what was actually driving the songs .
9 The chapter has also explored possible reasons why teachers adopt transmission patterns of teaching , but has looked at this not in terms of why teachers fail to do something else , but in terms of what purposes transmission teaching serves for them .
10 But in terms of what records could now be accessed by a historian the quality , volume and completeness have improved drastically with the advent of electronic communication .
11 but in terms of what goes in the costs of the management charges in the brochure the systems changed since the Telegraph article has n't it ?
12 It sets out to question existing policies and services , not as an end in itself , but in terms of their adequacy as means of distributing resources .
13 The Statements of Attainment need to be in some ways " unpacked " in relation to the chosen programme of study and reordered not in sequence of difficulty but in terms of their place in the programme to ensure that opportunities for assessment are capitalised upon .
14 We know something numerically about different systems , but we know little about them experientially , we know little about what it feels like , what the impact is upon individuals in the two different systems , and I really wanted to swing to the other type of research and look in more detail at how different pupils would respond to the streamed situation , not simply in terms of their performance measured in tests , but in terms of their attitudes to school , their attitudes to their life outside of school , their involvement in erm sub-cultural groups or in youth clubs , this kind of thing .
15 We know something numerically about different systems , but we know little about them experientially , we know little about what it feels like , what the impact is upon individuals in the two different systems , and I really wanted to swing to the other type of research and look in more detail at how different pupils would respond to the stream situation , not simply in terms of their performance measured in tests , but in terms of their attitudes to school , their attitudes to their life outside of school , their involvement in sub-cultural groups or in youth clubs , this kind of thing .
16 We were intimate with each other — not in a romantic way but in terms of our working relationship .
17 He says it 's not only in terms of money we give but in terms of ourselves .
18 Peel 's stance in relation to economic liberalism seems more promising , but in terms of his relationship to the Conservative canon two things are worthy of note : first , Peel 's espousal of liberal economics resulted in the bulk of the Conservative Party deserting him ; and second , the most authoritative appraisal of Peel 's career has concluded that ‘ Peel was not the founder of the Conservative party but was the progenitor of Gladstonian Liberalism ’ .
19 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
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