Example sentences of "but a [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It takes a moment to realise that it is not some pagan idol , but a head of Christ on the cross , that the spikes represent the crown of thorns and that in the wreckage of the ancient trunk a face has been carved .
2 The failure of these traditional local economic strategies to stimulate and sustain local economic growth in all but a minority of places has led to the development of new forms of policy .
3 Orgreave was not seen as a local picket during an industrial dispute but a trial of strength in a politically charged struggle .
4 They had also caused Bristol much discomfort and penalties in the line but Ian Aitcheson , the recruit from Waterloo , barely made amends with a drop goal and a conversion for not only three penalties missed in four minutes , but a couple of passes which made everybody wince and defence pulse rates surge .
5 There is little to see of the Potteries at Fenton other than relatively modern factories , but a couple of bottle ovens , now rather rare ( see Longton ) survive near King Street .
6 ‘ Not sold out , but a couple of coach parties from Vienna — you know , the usual thing , group booking for early dinner at the Strauss Inn and straight back into the coach after the performance .
7 Ted had been a little belligerent at first but a couple of hints that Pascoe had seen him drinking in the Club earlier and an oblique reference to the breathalyser test had calmed him down and made him most co-operative .
8 Barnett 's moustache was lop-sided , a crooked sign above his mouth suggesting suspicion , but a couple of sentences had created the picture for him .
9 She began to walk forward rapidly , but a couple of minutes later she came to an abrupt stop .
10 But a couple of errors crept in and we allowed Coventry to take the lead . ’
11 ‘ Not yet , maybe , but a couple of weeks of unbridled gluttony with the sort of food they serve here , and I could be a serious candidate !
12 ‘ I 'm still ring rusty but a couple of weeks ’ hard work before the European Cup should see me all right . ’
13 None really , but a couple of points are worthy of mention .
14 ‘ I was all set to do a solo record for Shrapnel , but a couple of months before I was due to do it , Mike Varney introduced me to Jason , who was only 16 at the time .
15 Well no , seems to be quite , I was busy yesterday and , and it seemed to be a really busy week , but a couple of appointments fell down , but I 've got quite a busy night tonight .
16 And I 've seen chairs like that , I 've seen I do n't know whether it 's there but a couple of places , bedroom chairs , gorgeous things , you know !
17 The prize goes to a child , age unspecified but a couple of years off joined-up writing , who says : ‘ Dear Father Chismas can I have some of these things ? ’
18 Yeah , would you , but a couple of years because John was busy he bought us all tokens , erm , he bought the others tokens from Woolworths and me token from a body shop and we all , and I we had great fun looking and seeing what we wanted to buy with , with the book tokens , er , maybe , maybe I mention it providing we ca n't find anything .
19 A visitor to the city wrote any woman , if her credit will serve to borrow a pan , and to buy but a measure of mault in the market , setts up brewing .
20 Coding is required but a selection of responses may be used verbatim in the final report to add interest .
21 He did not in fact inherit the title until 1705 , but a love of hunting he certainly did .
22 But a crack of light
23 However , Romanians remain prisoners of their own history : they continue to fear that Hungary 's real intentions are not ethnic minority protection but a revision of frontiers .
24 Homoeopathy is not a complete system of medicine but a system of therapeutics — that is , a system of administering drugs .
25 Sharman ( 1989 ) adopts the same stance as Sampson on this issue , believing that the question of the acceptability of a sentence is not a black-or-white judgement but a gradation of likelihoods .
26 For the truth was that she 'd been offered promotion a dozen times — in spite of the fact that when she 'd started as a trainee she 'd had no formal training , no experience , nothing to commend her but a fistful of ambition .
27 Surfing was an integral part of traditional Island society : not just a sport , but a rite of passage , an initiation , an act of worship , a demonstration of power , and a form of courtship .
28 Mongalla , south of Bor , was captured two days later , but a column of government troops which moved south-eastwards from Juba was contained by SPLA forces at Ngangala .
29 He ordered the taverner to bring two blackjacks of brimming ale and , since it was Friday , not meat but a dish of lampreys and fresh white bread for himself and Sir John .
30 Lachlan drew breath to name Ewan ; but a rush of generosity stopped him .
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