Example sentences of "but as [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But as we also saw , that strength comes too soon , denies too much .
2 The kiss seemed to last forever , but as they finally pulled apart Marianne shot a triumphant glance over Dane 's shoulder into the wings .
3 This reinforced my interest in the subject , but as I soon became involved in postgraduate studies in busy medical , surgical and then paediatric units I had little time to pursue it at that stage .
4 John 's manner was off-putting to the faint-hearted , but as I slowly got to know him , realised his lack of physical and social grace covered an ultra-soft centre , and I came to love the man .
5 ‘ Tomorrow we will look for a house to rent but as I only arrived in London this morning I have not had the time .
6 If you take these for a very long time you get a beard and a deep voice , but as I only needed a month 's supply I escaped such horrors .
7 Next morning I continued to make excuses for Bill , but as I now knew I was making them , they no longer soothed me .
8 But as I quickly discovered , if any real progress is to be made even the most reactionary views need to be listened to and respected .
9 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
10 What had happened to us could not , I thought , have been due entirely to education — not even to the idea that girls develop more quickly than boys to a certain point and then slow down ; but as I still clung loyally to my little world where all clergymen were good , all solicitors honest , and all philosophers and experts different from ordinary people and unquestionably right , I struggled hard against any idea that I might still be wiser than Bertrand Russell in some respects .
11 But as I still held the same views it seemed pointless . ’
12 ‘ Do you know how you are looking at me ? ’ he asked fiercely , but as she only shook her head he tilted her face and searched frustratedly for her mouth , crushing her against him .
13 Cara queried , but as she quickly caught on , ‘ Oh he 's not coming to England — I 'm to go to Czechoslovakia . ’
14 In fact , Kitty was the only one of the three who had enough time off during the day to help out on the barrow , but as she never got up until the sun rose and slipped away long before it had set , she still was n't what Granpa would have called an asset .
15 We have got good medical facilities , but as you just heard Samantha just saying , they 're destroying that as well , the only people who wanted water meters , is when houses were on ratable value and they were paying two hundred thousand pound for a house at large rates and the water rates was the same house .
16 She had thought he was asleep , realising that he was n't only when she felt him tense under the light touch of her fingers , but as he neither moved away nor said a word , she let them remain there , resting lightly against him , the contact lax and undemanding .
17 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
18 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
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