Example sentences of "but we [modal v] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll not build it all at once , but we 'll allow space for it .
2 I think that 's probably covered by Mr 's point but we 'll seek clarification in a second .
3 But we 'll have statement , but you know , do that practice bit .
4 There is considerable dispute over the precise definition of this term , but we shall use class to refer to a group sharing a similar position in a structure of objective material inequalities , produced by a particular system of economic relationships characteristic of a particular mode of production .
5 ‘ We have interviewed a number of people in connection with this incident , but we would like help from any other witnesses , ’ he said .
6 ‘ I think it may be , but we may get Place to tell us . ’
7 ‘ No , but we may have news of them .
8 ‘ I do n't know whether or not it will involve us , but we must go flat out and hope Leiceser slip up .
9 But we must tell Cabochon ! ’
10 The queen-dowager is naturally anxious for her sons — but we must have patience .
11 The trade unions should retain influence , but we must surrender control . ’
12 But we must hurry north , pausing only to observe that the most dramatic survivor from the early Middle Ages , and perhaps the greatest of all the cities of Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries , was Cordoba , then in its heyday under the caliphate and its first Indian summer .
13 But we must drive inflation down so low that it no longer affects the decisions made by ordinary people , businesses and government .
14 We can not unilaterally break the law in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests , but we can mobilise consumer opinion .
15 But we can take heart from the fact that , apart from Germany , Britain enjoys the greatest choice and variety of beers in Europe .
16 But we can take heart from the Celtic and Leeds results and carry a lot of optimism with us into the first leg in Germany .
17 And we in the church may not yet be an army ‘ mighty and terrible with banners ’ , but we can muster resistance by coming together in little bands of hope ready to strike in deep raids behind enemy lines .
18 Nor will we win the war , but we will make progress .
19 ‘ Basically , ’ he added , ‘ there will be no reduction in the overall amount of services , but we will have Alder Valley , Hampshire and other operators all servicing the area in a short time . ’
20 But we could have dome a little tree for forty five .
21 No but we could put food through there .
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