Example sentences of "but be say [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Facilities such as schools and health posts have been built in most such villages , but are said to be poorly stocked and staffed .
2 Sonia might be persuaded to keep a seat warm for her daughter : Priyanka is only 20 ( the minimum age for a seat in the lower house is 25 ) but is said to be sharp and keen on politics .
3 Apple has been highly sensitive about proprietary rights to its Windowing software , but is said to be considering striking a deal with Unix System Labs over the technology .
4 Sir Francis Tite ( as he now is ) is alive , but is said to be senile .
5 The singer , best known for the classic Great Balls Of Fire , was expected two days ago but was said to be furious at taking second billing in the Giants of Rock 'n' Roll concerts .
6 The 64-year-old male patient , who was suffering from arthritis , has asked not to be identified but was said to be in stable condition last night .
7 She also suffered from epilepsy and diabetes but was said to be happy and cheerful despite her disabilities .
8 The following FBI investigation focused on Robert Wayne O'Ferrell , a junk dealer in Enterprise , Alabama , who denied any involvement but was said to be helping with inquiries .
9 He was treated at Darlington Memorial but was said to be not badly hurt .
10 His sister , Moira Coles , 34 , of Mapperley , Nottingham , admitted her part in the conspiracy but was said to be a small cog in the operation .
11 The man has not been named by police but was said to be aged 23 .
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