Example sentences of "but [vb past] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The FT-SE 100 index of leading shares dropped 42 points to 2,270 on the announcement of the base rate increase to 15 per cent , but rallied and closed on Thursday only 30.5 points off at 2,281.6 .
2 But , as one founder member of the League commented : " We demanded the right to vote but found that vote to be worthless " ( Transito de Ramirez , Los Angeles .
3 He was but stopped and stared at me , then turned and ran in the opposite direction .
4 Police said the raiders had taken £450 worth of sweaters but fled when disturbed by a passer-by .
5 Their achievements , such as wage rises and the setting of minimum wage levels , were not won through class struggle , but received as favours from local government in the expectation of their political support in return .
6 It took much will-power for the man to drag himself away , presently , on one of Dunbar 's best horses , but consoled and heartened by receiving the best kiss , on parting , that had yet come from Mariot Randolph .
7 We lost , but appealed and came to the Court of Appeal in March 1990 .
8 Kevin McCormack , the super-heavyweight champion , was denied entry but arrived as expected for yesterday afternoon 's weigh-in .
9 Here , for instance , there is no doubt that Niki was of substantial help in closing the deal which brought McLaren the hugely successful TAG/Porsche engine , developed by Porsche but financed and sponsored by Mansour Ojjeh , the son of the head of Techniques d'Avant Garde , a French high-tech company with a substantial role in the development of weaponry .
10 He did not immediately get out of the car but turned and looked at Sara .
11 At that point he was attacked by twelve Bf109s , but evaded and got in a good burst at one that overshot him .
12 Julia would not shut the window but sweated and shivered by turns .
13 I once attempted to read his first book , Alex Through The Looking Glass , but stumbled and fell at page 10 where the Hurricane made this observation on the subject of literature : ‘ My favourite read is Robert Ludlum .
14 Like Dexter , she had had enough of grappling with the bundles of facts she had accumulated , facts that did not slot together to form a coherent pattern ; but dissolved and reformed into new patterns every time she touched them .
15 But this low-born de Burgh , this double man despite himself , even while he leaned back greedily , hankering after lands with the ambition of the landless , even while he envied the de Blundevilles and the Marshalls and composed about himself a synthetic replica of their hereditary splendour , yet saw England by glimpses as Isambard saw it , an empire not decomposing and falling to insecure tatters like the Emperor 's sprawling hold , but compact as a clenched fist , solvent as a Jew 's treasury and self-sufficient as a well-run manor , a power not hemmed in but completed and transmitted by the sea .
16 A lost golf ball may be owned by the golfer but possessed or controlled by the landowner .
17 Confrontation with the enemy and violence done to him when necessary were not only justified but appeared as ends in their own right .
18 The present head office was built in 1806 but extended and altered in 1870 .
19 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
20 The new , native-born administrators did not displace these Iranian settlers but imitated and co-operated with them .
21 I flopped down in the seat but missed and landed on the floor .
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