Example sentences of "but [adv] that it be " in BNC.

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1 They do not claim that occupation is the same thing as social class , but rather that it is the best single indicator of all those aspects of a person that make up their social class position .
2 In freud , the point is similarly not just the question — on which most attention gets focused — of whether the event ‘ really ’ happened ( a good copy ) or was subsequently fantasized by the experiencing subject ( a bad copy ) , but rather that it is repeated as a disruptive event that fissures ordinary forms of psychic continuity and therefore gains analytic attention in the present .
3 It is not that the information in the second version is not true , but rather that it is assumed — and that the witness can assume it is assumed .
4 What distinguishes the British Constitution from others is not that it is unwritten , but rather that it is part-written and uncodified .
5 The surpising thing is not that this is happening now , but rather that it was staved off for so long .
6 I do not mean , of course , that it was something that can not be explained yet , but rather that it was something of which no explanation can conceivably be found .
7 And then she would tell Peter firmly but gently that it was all off .
8 This is not to say that the position is wrong but only that it is arguable , or in other words , open to conceptual evaluation .
9 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
10 Not only does Mrs Whitehouse believe that Christianity is under threat from political revolution , but also that it is the last line of defence against such revolution .
11 He defined shared values in the 1980s in the broadest sense , But I maintain not only that it is valid to speak about shared values in that sense , but also that it is that commonality that defines us as a society .
12 Chicherin believed not only that serfdom was immoral but also that it was acting as a brake on the economy , that it could not be justified as a bastion against pauperism , and finally — a somewhat unusual argument — that it entailed the improper transference to the gentry of responsibilities which ought to be exercised by the state .
13 But now that it is in power , and dependent on an assembly made up largely of landowners , the government seems to find that option less attractive .
14 But now that it is finished I hope it makes an enjoyable and enlightening read , and puts the record right in a number of respects .
15 The following memorandum was presented by Vial , and read by the secretary : ‘ When the Members of the Veterinary College were occupied by objects to which I was in no wise competent I was absolutely silent — but now that it is a question to chuse [ sic ] a convenient situation for the establishment of the College , I think it a duty incumbent on me to give my advice on this important point .
16 The genuineness of the Ring of Minos has been questioned by Nilsson , but now that it is lost , allegedly buried somewhere in the garden of Nicolaos Pollakis , the priest of Fortetsa , who for a time shortly after its discovery was its owner , the question will probably never be resolved ( Warren 1982 ) .
17 But now that it is always slightly overgrown .
18 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
19 But now that it was possible to run away from him , she did n't want to .
20 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
21 He was so handsome , so present — it was a warmth and vitality that only his immense rage had masked , making her lash out in self-defence , but now that it was turned to a kind of gentle humour , and — she had to admit it — a single-minded interest in her she found him dangerously attractive .
22 She had n't thought she could stomach anything , but now that it was placed in front of her …
23 But before that it was best , you know it was just all farm land , it was brilliant you know .
24 But underneath that it 's more
25 If ‘ it is raining ’ expresses the belief that it is raining , but says not that I , the speaker , have that belief , but simply that it is raining , it would appear that it differs in meaning from ‘ I believe that it is raining ’ .
26 Yeah but even that it 's it 's ridiculously low .
27 But beyond that it 's fair to speculate on a shape closer to the Countach than the Testarossa , making use of juxtaposed flat planes for impact rather than subtly of line .
28 Consenting often serves such projects and relationships instrumentally , but beyond that it is sometimes a constitutive element of relationships between people .
29 Most people feel an obligation to keep in contact with their siblings , but beyond that it is regarded as quite proper for relationships to vary in the level of intimacy and the type of support offered ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 ; Allan , 1979 ) .
30 Koons will only grudgingly admit his work — especially the new sculpture and painting — is problematic , but never that it 's inaccessible .
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