Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 This deeper controversy sustains the debate between liberal interpretations of the modern law of contract , but paradoxically at the same time demonstrates its pointlessness .
2 An increased number of children may not lead to more dwellings being required , but rather to the same number of larger homes ; or may affect the types of homes needed , such as those with amenities like gardens : conversely , an ageing population , which tends to consist of smaller household sizes , may need a larger number of dwellings , perhaps smaller and with special requirements such as ease of access .
3 Within that report he tells us erm , the rather startling disturbance story , that in fact it almost suggests , has been suggested the revolution has n't happened because the situation has continued as before with a different name but basically with the same er with the same kind of programme intact .
4 But so about the same time as the mill was heightened , I think that th land was drained .
5 But somehow at the same time I am washing myself — I 'm trying to get the filth off myself .
6 The other main formulation is the rule of acting in such a way that you treat humanity , whether in your own person or in the person of any other , never simply as a means , but always at the same time as an end .
7 We ought , he said , to ‘ treat humanity whether in your own person , or in the person of any other , never simply as a means , but always at the same time as an end ’ ( Kant , 1948 , para. 429 ) .
8 Without this first step there is no beginning , and every subsequent step in the search takes one further but always in the same direction .
9 I bought some lovely old half-glazed pots , two plates and a jug — not matching , but probably from the same pottery in the Midi .
10 At its best such a book will not only provide a satisfying solution to the murder puzzle which it still must have , but also at the same time the solution of the mystery should reveal finally what it was the novel had to say .
11 As it is , the magnitude and direction of laterality effects vary not only between different subjects and different experiments but also within the same subject at different stages within an experiment ( e.g. Hellige " , 1976 ; Shefsky , Stenson and Miller , 1981 ) .
12 More children ( 90 per cent ) have pre-school education in the GDR than in the Federal Republic ( about 80 per cent ) , but overall about the same proportion go to school .
13 It may be valid to teach a stroke such as a bow rudder to a recreational paddler but even on the same paddle stroke the arm and paddle positions used by slalomists and WW tourists are very different .
14 But almost in the same instant she rejected that idea .
15 The brightest of them , M37 , is in the same × 7 field with Theta , but barely in the same field with × 12 .
16 I base this theory on having seen the fish both distressed and inflated , but never at the same time .
17 I 've had tons of guitars , but never at the same time — I never had enough money to have them all at once . ’
18 Sometimes Matthew or Luke depart from Mark 's order of events but never at the same time together and they always return to it .
19 ‘ They campaigned throughout the 19th century for ladies ' lavatories , which were gradually introduced — but never on the same scale as the gents . ’
20 Their schemes , especially under the emperors , were extensive , grandiose , eye-catching , but never of the same meticulous quality of craftmanship and design that the Greeks had attained before them .
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