Example sentences of "but [pers pn] need to be " in BNC.

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1 But I needed to be sure that you had not forgotten your homesite .
2 ‘ Mike — Michael O'Brien — will help , but I need to be on the spot . ’
3 But I need to be here when they refuel . ’
4 The deadline is Monday 3rd of May , but I need to be sure the article will arrive .
5 Vernon Malcolm , managing director of Malcolm Engineering , said : ‘ Almost all my staff earn above £3.40 an hour but I need to be able to dictate my own rates of pay .
6 But I need to be knowing cos if we 're going out I 'll have
7 yeah , but I need to be a bit skinnier and a bit taller
8 But you need to be careful that you set up a scheme that actually works , and it would be sensible to take professional advice to avoid making a mistake in its tax or National Insurance implications .
9 So nobody actually goes until the bell goes , but you need to be listening Matthew because you do n't know what you 've got to take to the party yet .
10 SuperCalc can be clever , but you need to be as well
11 But you need to be
12 But you need to be careful in using them , because they can introduce meanings you may not intend .
13 If many of you are doing something well , but you need to be brought together , our role is to co-ordinate you , and if you 're not doing something and it needs doing , then our role is to initiate it .
14 Arousal curve well understanding the need for arousal for me helped because I now understand that having nerves while you 're speaking is not unnatural it is n't something that you 're able to get rid of but you need to be able to work with it and practice to improve performance .
15 She wanted to , she really did , but she needed to be made to feel she could , or rather that she could n't not , that it was out of her hands , that she could n't help herself .
16 She rose quickly and lit the candles , all six of them which was wasteful , but she needed to be in the light for the shadows in the corners frightened her .
17 It 's easy together , But we need to be
18 We are , he observed , only too willing to make this sort of leap , and not only in the field of theology ( Hume was also very critical of what he saw as the pretensions of the science of his day to uncover the ‘ hidden springs ’ of things ) , but we need to be much more modest and cautious , to realise how limited the scope of our experience and knowledge is , and how liable our minds to go astray when they over-reach themselves and fish in waters too deep for their lines to plumb .
19 As things stand , the visual system is proving a good model to guide investigation of other sensory systems but we need to be cautious about interpreting data and to avoid forcing these other systems into a straitjacket defined by the visual system .
20 ‘ I do n't think so but we need to be sure .
21 ( It is also preferable to rug them in cold or wet weather , but they need to be under daily supervision in case the rug slips . )
22 Electors may have conservative instincts but they need to be helped if they are to trust those instincts .
23 Nurses should not pry but they need to be sensitive to any cues which indicate a patient 's desire to discuss anxieties .
24 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
25 a box containing sealed jars of dried raisins , amazingly still edible ( enough for 30 meals here , but they need to be eked out with other food to avoid severe stomach upsets ! ) ;
26 The commitments are listed in the next chapter , but they need to be put in the context of their presentation and the way the law and order issue was handled during the election campaign .
27 Both are important in affecting state-enterprise bargaining , but they need to be assessed separately .
28 The outcome will be influenced by their effort , but they need to be heavily compensated for bearing risks .
29 They now have a chance of a better one — but they need to be able to recognise that .
30 It is not that police statistics are misleading on recorded crime , but they need to be considered in the context of the BCS and the local crime surveys .
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