Example sentences of "but [pers pn] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The monopoly of command — in his house , in his business , in his factory — was crucial to his self-definition , and its formal assertion , whether nominal or real , is an essential element in all industrial disputes of the period : ‘ But I am also the Director of the Mines , that is to say the head [ chef ] of a large population of workers …
2 Yes , I expect you do , said Lucy , a tiny precise voice in her ear , but I am not the one to help you .
3 But I am not the most efficient of fell walkers ; others may go up top to conquer the summits ; I prefer to wander in the dales .
4 But I am not the automaton you appear to believe . ’
5 ‘ Paul , I do n't know if you have realised this yet , but I am not the understudy to the part of the father .
6 The early evening rush hour slowed my return to Stuart Street but I was still the first home to No. 9 , and even Lisabeth seemed to be out or at least locked in her cage .
7 ‘ My parents left enough money to make sure I went to the same school as Elise , but I was never the academic type — too fond of games .
8 Stephanie , who on screen proved she was Queen Bitch , turned on Caulfield , sharpened her acting talons and told him , ‘ Not only am I going to prove in front of the camera that I am your mother , but I 'm also the person who will knock you into shape . ’
9 ‘ Of course I was terrified when it happened , ’ she recalls , ‘ but I 'm not the sort to be beaten .
10 But I 'm not the same person .
11 ‘ I was disappointed at what happened , but I 'm not the only one who has been through something like that .
12 But I 'm not the last .
13 But I 'm not the one he 's written to — it 's not addressed to me .
14 But I 'm not the least bit maternal .
15 ‘ I do n't mind getting my own meals while I 'm here , but I 'm not the dutiful little housewife any more , Julius . ’
16 But I 'm not the woman you need to fill the gap Lotta left in your life ! ’
17 erm but I 'm not the sort to sort of push meself forward in front of other people
18 But I 'm not the fool you believe me to be either .
19 I know but I 'm not the ideal member am I ? , go to Scraptof more than thing
20 You said er , I told , I told him I was fed up with the General Secretary of this union that had n't given us any backing and you said sorry Phil , but I 'm not the General Secretary .
21 ‘ You 've no reason to trust me , but I 'm probably the only person capable of saving the President .
22 ‘ I did n't kill him , but I 'm probably the last person to have seen him alive .
23 I never thought I 'd be saying this but I 'm now the proud owner of my very first home .
24 But I 'm still the man in possession .
25 But I 'm still the champion , and I 'm still a better fighter than he is .
26 ‘ I 'm the world champion I know , but I 'm still the same boy who raced his Vespa through the streets of Riolo . ’
27 ‘ I 've matured as a cricketer through playing against better players but I 'm still the same bloke I was three or four years ago , ’ he said .
28 But I 'm really the person to come and see and I liaise with all these bodies as such .
29 Because you get that silence in the room and mmm you want to fill it so but you 're right the use of the pause effective and particularly with a variation in pitch that gives that emphasis the two combined together can be very very effective .
30 I do n't mean here , this version necessarily , but you 're not the only person in the world who keeps up with the wider literature , you know .
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