Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [is] [adv] important " in BNC.

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1 Inspection of Tei and Owen 's Tables I and 3 reveals that the laterality effect was greater for " same " trials but it is theoretically important to know whether there was any significant interaction between stimulus type and visual hemifield .
2 But it is also important to study paddlers and boats relevant to the class of canoeing that we are working in .
3 It is essential to keep in touch with the latest books and reading tastes , but it is also important to be aware of the cultures of the home and the community , of young people 's television viewing and cinema habits and tastes , the range of musical interests , dress preferences , current hobbies , sports , and pastimes , and the toys and play activities in fashion .
4 But it is also important to remember that the object of the 1790 visit was really Switzerland , traditionally the land of liberty ; Wordsworth never retracted his belief in the ideals of Switzerland , which helps to explain why , when France threatened Swiss independence in the late 1790s , it was necessary for him to make a decisive choice .
5 As we shall see , many of the controversies and conflicts which permeate contemporary rural life either stem from this fundamental change in the social composition of most villages or are exacerbated by it ; but it is also important to remember that this transformation has been provoked by preceding changes in the economic and social organization of agriculture .
6 Among northern textile workers poverty and the need to work probably played the most important part in the decision to seek an abortion , but it is also important to remember that working class women viewed abortion as a natural and permissible strategy .
7 Trust is an overriding consideration of all policemen and women , because it is part of the team basis by which police work gets done , whether formally in terms of managerial expectations or informally within the occupational culture ( Holdaway 1983 : 1 15 ) , but it is particularly important in the RUC .
8 The first criterion is frequently difficult to apply in practice , but it is conceptually important .
9 Painted steel is likely to be less durable than the other kinds , but it is equally important to choose strong frames that are not likely to buckle : ( aluminium may be more likely than steel to bend under strain ) .
10 But it is equally important to insist that the WEA is effective among an agricultural population …
11 But it is equally important , in the world of the late twentieth century , to form a clear conception of how the processes of political change in any one country or group of countries are located in an international network of political forces .
12 ‘ Not only is it important to make sure that houses are secure but it is equally important to secure outhouses and garages . ’
13 The danger was a communist enclave existing within the heart of South Africa : ‘ We might hate South Africa 's policies but it is tremendously important to the west . ’
14 But it is very important ; it changes the whole picture .
15 But it is very important to get medical help in the early stages .
16 Some are excellent but it is very important to check thoroughly and to be completely satisfied about patient care and the right kind of atmosphere before making definite arrangements .
17 ‘ After all this time , it would be possible to think that the verdict is unimportant , but it is very important , ’ said Labour MP for Great Grimsby Austin Mitchell .
18 It is surprising that an anti-quantitative linguist should advocate confirmatory statistical testing , but it is very important to understand that the proposition put forward here is simply wrong .
19 But it is still important for amateurs to prove themselves before turning pro , claims former Irish Amateur Champion McGinley .
20 Ian has made a better recovery than we dared hope , but it is still important that we do not take his fitness for granted .
21 This is well beyond the time scale generally relevant to landform development but it is still important to be aware of how present landscapes , especially in plate interiors , relate to the most recent episode of supercontinent fragmentation .
22 To be fair , it is not dealt with by Nash either , but it is too important an aspect of children 's jokes to be ignored or dismissed lightly .
23 Organisation of space can be as simple as considering carefully how you place a single wooden table and chair — but it is always important .
24 But it is really important that there should be another interview with another interpreter , and that it should be before the adjudicator in the application for leave .
25 My personal view is that one can be more perceptive in a project where one finds the whole field fascinating , but it is vitally important to try to find a neutral position .
26 Having grasped the principle of these exercises , you will want to make your own lists , but it is vitally important to follow the form suggested and that normal speech is used .
27 You can extend this kind of exercise almost endlessly , but it is vitally important to use the form of the same complete up-to-time sentence for each exercise , leaving only the last bit that changes .
28 Of course , consistency in notation builds up a certain level of skill with that notation , but it is vitally important to develop skills at least partially independent of a single notation .
29 Article 37 is among the less hotly debated parts of the Treaty on European Union , but it is vitally important in terms of what it represents .
30 But it is more important than anything else to bring parental responsibility back to the centre of the stage . ’
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