Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 " But she 's probably fallen for some dashing Italian by now , Matthew added .
2 But she 's already rejected four agency nurses now , so I 'm getting a bit desperate . ’
3 So we 'd have that but she 's already cut them all up into twelfths so how many twelfths how many twelfths would we get each ?
4 Katharine Over has only been studying Japanese for a year , but she 's already considered good enough to act as an ambassador for Britain .
5 Boz is the only one she 'd tell such a thing to , but she 's already told me Boz has n't been to see her since the attack . ’
6 But she 's only wrote one letter .
7 " She 's left me some money and all her furniture and things , " Sara went on , " but she 's only left me half the house . "
8 Well , who did n't ? who would n't ? but she 's never cottoned on to me , and so I do n't know whether or not she 's told you … oh , to put it plainly , I had to give her her marching orders . ’
9 I dread it when she walks in house cos I always think she 's gon na start having a go at me , but she 's never said owt to me yet , has she ?
10 It 's for all these reasons that Madonna has been accused of setting back the women 's movement 30 years , but she 's never claimed to be speaking for the cause .
11 But she 's never used a phrase like that before .
12 But she 's never hurt her before , not like this . ’
13 But she 's always said , I believe this , I shall act like this .
14 and then last year we did Peter Pan and I said right I 'm leaving but she 's always wanted
15 Yeah , but she 's more settled in .
16 ‘ Emily has a quick temper , ’ Craig said , ‘ but she 's fair minded and she 'll reconsider the situation , I 'm sure . ’
17 Not only do her efforts to assert her freedom from male domination lead her into the hands of another man , but she is also punished for her resistance by having her words deemed valueless , just as today ‘ pseudo-escaperoutes will so lightly turn sado-escape , and … women 's very freedom will so easily be used against them by even moderately clever men ’ ( 12 ) .
18 But she is well trained , and — ’
19 At the slave auction there are many would-be buyers for Barbara , but she is eventually bought by the enigmatic Tavius , the keeper of the household at Nero 's court .
20 Tall Loretta is supposed to pursue masculine endings of a linguistic kind as a London University academic but she is easily diverted to Bridget 's base at St Mark 's , Cambridge , and to discussions of one kind and another in Paris .
21 But she is essentially faced with thinking out what she believes truth to be .
22 Alice may enter a looking-glass world where unexpected things happen , but she is still constituted like a human being : walking may take her in an unexpected direction , but the nature of the physical act of walking is taken for granted .
23 She seems gay at first but she is quickly transformed , after a short lovemaking , into a Spenserian crone .
24 But she is continually spotted out in the real world , so to speak , especially in the shops even though she looks nothing like her screen image .
25 The hero of Simon Gray 's comedy Otherwise Engaged ( 1975 ) , in similar fashion , only wants to be left alone to play his new recording of Wagner 's Parsifal , but he is successively interrupted by neighbour , brother and wife , who succeed in disturbing him and fail only to interest him .
26 Many know him as the British jazz singer , but he is equally respected for his brilliance as a film and tv critic , modern art expert , writer and fisherman .
27 But he is also said to be intensely loyal to the woman who stood by him during his 27 years of imprisonment .
28 Not only is he locked in a cage , but he is also treated as Tamburlaine 's ‘ footstool ’ .
29 But he is also expected to tackle the monarch over the damage done to Britain 's image by younger royals .
30 Ramaciotti is not just one of Europe 's finest car designers ( the stunning Mythos concept car was the result of his boyhood dreams ) but he is also considered one of the best analysts of design in the business .
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