Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But I still thinks it 's just best to leave that on there .
2 he tries to arrest her , but she bravely defies him until some guerrillas arrive , and he is soon begging abjectly for mercy .
3 For a start , right , erm all her clothes then right and I mean loads of them are ones they 're really horrible like but she just hangs them here , I thought well you ca n't wear them , you know , all horrible , you do n't wear them fold them , put them away
4 She is worried about me not eating , she is worried that my periods have stopped , that I look thinner and thinner , that my hair has gone dry and flat and rasps like paper when you touch it , but she also admires me .
5 But she certainly looks it . ’
6 This surprised me since the quality of the shots smack of laborious preparation , but she steadfastly denies it .
7 Mrs Cole-King has already caused a stir by suggesting she had no objection to the idea of women holding communion in private homes , but she now says she realises that is n't a good idea and it certainly wo n't be something she 'll be campaigning for .
8 She did not feel it would be right to cut herself off from her family altogether but she now visits them occasionally rather than every week as before .
9 If it is windy Tracey will not risk taking him on the roads , and instead exercises him in the school , but she never jumps him .
10 But she never makes it red raw .
11 A little bit but she really winds me up she does .
12 She does really young , fun , party clothes — a lot are in black but she always trims them with bright colours .
13 Much of what the latter says about information theory , feedback and signal detection is old hat , but he generously leaves us one or two bones to pick .
14 Well , you know , practically , the governor or the head you see , he knows what he 's got ta work , but erm , I , I know because the lads do n't , but he generally tells them well I wan na work so and so and he gives me a bit of paper with the horses names on wants galloping .
15 But he easily discredits them , stating ‘ next to voting was accomplished on regard to the basic necessities confronting the country ’ .
16 But he soon wins you over , and it is not long before you start feeling that his casual manner conveys Higgins 's narcissism to a well-pronounced T.
17 I sulk , I ask him why , but he simply ignores me .
18 And you want to know what it was like being fêted by the Stones and Led Zep , and how in ‘ 61 Bob Dylan got his first Greenwich Village pro gig with John Lee ( and was apparently pissed off because the man from the New York Times was far more interested in rapping with the bluesman ) , but he just says it was nice to be able to put young Bob on the bandstand .
19 Somebody passes him a J but he just hands it on to me .
20 But he also warns her not to let these spiritual conversations degenerate into gossip — an obvious danger and one which could ruin the religious life .
21 But he also says you have to make your momentum , pull yourself up , respect ‘ standards ’ ; he can sound almost Thatcherite .
22 Right , and the other thing sorry , but he also reckons he 's God about girls .
23 He recognizes in Raskolnikov a fellow-struggler , and repeatedly he says that the two of them are birds of a feather ; but he also bids him farewell with a pointed ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like ’ towards the end of their final meeting , because setting off for America , unlike the North Pole , while it may or may not amount to doing anything ( Crime and Punishment does n't raise the question ) marks a parting of their ways .
24 Erm , Jack does gamble , erm , with his , with the dogs but he , but he also breeds them as well , and he goes to the dogs two or three times a week .
25 But he also gives it an edge and an urgency that turn it into much more than an abstract cafe debate .
26 But he also gives you a feeling that she was trying to show the difference good and evil , in other words , Jane refused to hate her but she did hate her .
27 Presumably Mr Yeltsin was doing all this in the name of some ideas or policies , but he barely mentions them .
28 I have suggested that we could leave the story open-ended , but he clearly thinks I do n't understand the nature of movies very well .
29 But he scarcely thinks it will come to that . ’
30 But he still lets him take it !
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