Example sentences of "but [that] [pron] [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This was because they found that many of their animals and plants were very similar to European forms , but that they did differ in what seemed to be significant respects , such as size or colour .
2 Others , however , would rather maintain that these charges have sometimes been exaggerated , but that they do highlight genuine dangers of which one ought to be aware in reading Barth : dangers which lie partly in what he actually says , but also partly in what he can very easily be taken to be saying when his real meaning is subtly but significantly different .
3 And er what was I going to tell you , I told you about , I talked about we had nine pawnbroker 's shops , I did n't did I , but that we did have nine pawnbroker shops in Ipswich .
4 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
5 What really matters is not how the horse won , but that he did win , and that in doing so he ended his racecourse career displaying that sparkling but short-lived turn of foot for which he will long be remembered .
6 But that it does satisfy a need for a vast number of , of people who may be rather younger and poorer than er we who sit here .
7 Chuck House , senior vice-president of Informix , said exclusive distributor , Ascii Corp , had limitations in terms of strengthening Informix 's relationships with Japanese firms , but that it does want to continue its relationship with Ascii .
8 He also says that the nickel content does not , for all practical purposes , make any difference to the hardness , but that it does make it more stain resistant .
9 One torso is so weathered that little can be said but that it does seem to show the same primitive technique as Nikandre 's .
10 For quite a long time the prevailing view among economists had been that money does not affect the relative prices of commodities , but that it does determine the overall price level .
11 Who she was , and how often she went there , we did n't know , but that she did go , if only to use the telephone , we had incontestable proof .
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