Example sentences of "but [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In the event she did neither , but lay there for a while wondering what Johnny was doing , hidden away from her behind time 's misty barrier .
2 She did not aim for sleep , though , but lay there for an age wanting some of her anger back .
3 Anne hung back , but got past in a minute or so .
4 The Newfoundland cod population has crashed before , in the 1970s , but recovered somewhat under a quota system during the 1980s .
5 There is no necessary link between tense and time ; it is likely in this instance that the use of the present tense is not restricted to a particular time ( which is the time of the utterance ) but refers rather to a " general " present .
6 The number of practitioners in these areas grows — largely , no doubt , through the genuine fascination of their subjects , but swollen perhaps with an influx of refugees from the relentless advance of technological rigour .
7 The essentially complementary nature of contemplative and active life fully expressed in the Incarnation but experienced often as a tension for individuals could be reflected more freely in the whole society of Christians understood as the body of Christ .
8 In the face of a petition such as this , backed by the signatures of 105 of Stockport 's most eminent and respected citizens , the Goldsmiths were in an awkward position , which they decided to resolve by re-reading Sir Edmond 's will , to see what the Founder himself had intended : a classical school ( teaching Greek and Latin ) , without fees or social distinctions , but depending only on a willingness to learn .
9 He thanked her but countered cunningly with a query about who her friends might be .
10 But caught red-handed with a bomb in the glove compartment of the car she was driving , the mother-of-seven was on a mission to kill .
11 Rose blooms take a variety of different forms , best summarized as ( a ) single , with a single circlet of five petals , ( b ) double , with anything from 10 to 30 petals , ( c ) semi-double , with up to 15 petals but opening more like a single than a double , and ( d ) the old favourite quartered rose , with its many petals curled into four ‘ quarters ’ .
12 HOLIDAY HEARTBREAK : But returning home to a burglary can be avoided
13 Which is why all the products in the range are carefully formulated , not just to work in isolation but to work together as a complete programme — repairing , cleansing , caring and styling .
14 Dissonant notes do not resolve , but leap away to a consonance in the same chord , as at .
15 The bacon is strongly scented , very porcine ; in the pan it is not going brown but looking more like a slice of pig than bacon should .
16 Flour beetles do not need water but breed best in a damp atmosphere , so push a test tube or small jar containing water down into the flour .
17 De Warenne was recommended to use a ford some distance below the narrow bridge , but opted instead for a quicker , decisive attack over the bridge .
18 The meeting had been convened at the initiative of Yugoslavia as current chairman of the NAM , and the Yugoslav Foreign Minister Budimir Loncar said at a press conference afterwards that " the foreign ministers could not agree on a joint statement , but opted instead for a plan of action to prevent the war 's escalation … starting with the rapid deployment of a mission of three to four ministers to Baghdad within a few days " .
19 It 's a like er using the same components but put together in a different way .
20 He took avoiding action but came close to a third .
21 The same issue as in L.0.2 , but studied now at a local level i.e.
22 For severe burns where the skin is dark red , charred or blistered , do not use water but cover lightly with a sterile dressing before calling for medical aid .
23 With two drama/percussionists and a saxophonist — composer Steve Blake — the Victims of Death band creates a relentless musical background that sends the dancers rushing across the stage in the opening section of Precious , an endless succession of attract/repel contacts , with walks , runs and jumps , not dance steps per se , but crafted seamlessly into a totally interactive structure .
24 Looking at the terms of the agreement as contained in the letter from Hunter 's attorney , and the receipt , it is manifest that the payment was not made in discharge of the plaintiff 's rights against all other parties ; and the result of the whole is , that it does not operate as a release , or matter which could have been pleaded as an accord and satisfaction , but amounts merely to an engagement not to sue Hunter , which can only be pleaded by himself ; if the action , therefore , had been brought against two parties , it would not have been a discharge to both .
25 He was strong certainly and brave but armed only with a staff he could hardly be a match for five armed men .
26 The owner pilot accompanied the test pilot on this flight , but acted only as an observer .
27 Culture for Simmel is not constituted by the material world in itself , but exists only as a process of the subject 's becoming .
28 Rolfehedges in the Sussex Weald ‘ hath no demesnes but consisteth onely of a fewe copiholdes ’ — in fact four , containing 91 acres and paying a total of 15s. 8d. annually ; tenure was hereditary and fines limited .
29 There may be some pleasures for which it is worth risking one 's life but to do so for a cigarette is an illustration of the sheer insanity of addictive disease .
30 In the event it has proved possible not only to complete the task , but to do so in a timely and controlled fashion .
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