Example sentences of "but [noun] would [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 But Morse would not be interrupted .
2 But Ann would not be plucking five hundred snipe carcases surely ?
3 Claudia shivered ; her twin was n't alone in her fear , but Dana would n't be able to stand up to him for a moment .
4 But Ruth would not be drawn to an old man .
5 Tonight the Ministry of Agriculture said it sympathised with the bee keepers , but compensation would n't be paid .
6 Maurin tried but Durance would not be stilled .
7 It needed Alain , but Alain would not be there .
8 But Theda would not be deterred .
9 Tomorrow she would ride in the park again but Craig would not be with her .
10 But Gabriel would not be stopped .
11 Perhaps Mr Browning was entirely above reproach , though there were those who saw him constantly at Isa Blagden 's and thought that friendship promised more ; perhaps he was able to subdue the desires of a healthy man in his prime , but Ferdinando would not be able to if temptation was set in his way .
12 But Jacob would n't be joining them ; Josh Cohen was quite certain of that .
13 The exception to that of course is York but York would n't be affected by this open countryside policy er at all .
14 He 'd tried to bluff and bully his way out of his terrible mistake , but Volkov would n't be intimidated .
15 But Rosie would n't be alone — she came here every year to run the chemist 's shop her father owned , and was n't likely to be without companionship for the evening .
16 Nigger asked him what he meant , but Terry would n't be drawn , he just tapped the side of his nose and winked .
17 Carrie would have died rather than say these things but Nick would n't be embarrassed : he could say them without turning a hair !
18 But history would not be central to the religion in the way in which history is central to Christianity .
19 Personally , I do n't care one way or the other but James would n't be very happy if he knew that Leo knew . ’
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