Example sentences of "but [conj] he [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What will excite them is not where Lewis is from , but where he 's going — and more importantly , the manner in which he is travelling .
2 At his press conference this morning , Professor Glennerster said that , when he started his investigation , he was sceptical , but that he was converted by the evidence of his own eyes , and what he had seen and heard .
3 She did not know it , but pallor had conferred an almost grave beauty on her , so that Havvie Blaine , arriving on the minute , thought , not for the first time , that he might be selling himself for dollars , but that he was getting more than dollars in return .
4 A momentary disorientation took him when he found that not only could he not move , but that he was staring straight up at the sky , and there appeared to be no ground underneath him .
5 As she could not stop , he had arisen , telling her that she might cry herself sick , but that he was going to Mrs Inigo , a woman who was n't quite such a cold poultice .
6 In it , he entrusted his ‘ six sons ’ to the protection of his ‘ most celebrated and very dear friend ’ , adding that they were the products of long and laborious labour , but that he was encouraged by the hope that one day they would prove a source of consolation .
7 But once he 's grown enough spines it 's hoped he can live in a walled garden — a real case of wash and go .
8 The structure of Angevin rule in Aquitaine had been severely shaken by the Young King 's intervention , but once he was gone it was not difficult to pick up the pieces .
9 He bargained hard and was stubborn , but once he was persuaded and agreed , he usually stuck by his word .
10 But although he 's played with Albert Collins , Eric Clapton , Alexis Korner and Robert Cray — he says there 's still a lot to learn .
11 But although he 's working to a different rhythm to everyone else , he always gets results . ’
12 But although he was born in England neither his parents nor his grandparents were English .
13 But although he was beaten for pace quite a few times , it seemed that alot of the time he was out of position .
14 He actually is reading a paper from Atlanta , but if he 's speaking with a slight Scottish accent then er that 's only because he 's actually from Scotland .
15 But if he 's flown halfway round the world to tell me he loves me , then why did n't he tell me he loves me ? ’
16 But if he 's tied something to their tails they 'll run till they drop . ’
17 But if he 's done something wrong , then he has to stand trial sooner or later … ’
18 If my husband 's going to be in about that time we all have it together , but if he 's going to be late they have theirs first .
19 But if he 's going to be a leader , he 's got to be a bit of a bastard ’ .
20 Well he probably will , but if he 's going off to Florida
21 Yeah but if he 's gon na come Saturday I mean we can hang on painting we ?
22 Well if he keeps , if he looks after the car and keeps himself right och it 'll be okay but if he 's gon na mess about and wreck the car well he 's he 's no way of getting to work .
23 But if he 's gon na fight me I 'll fight him .
24 But if he is to assure Mitterrand too convincingly of his commitment to Maastricht or the Exchange Rate Mechanism , he will be condemned by a howling mob of backbenchers who will be backed , privately , by at least a quarter of his government .
25 If he can not stand , the patient might be transferred to his bed before being cleaned , but if he is using a commode , it is usually possible to clean him from under the commode seat , once the pan of the commode has been taken out of the way .
26 The person involved may look at something and not be aware of it ; but if he is asked to guess where the object is in his field of vision , he guesses correctly .
27 Obviously the candidate will complete this section , but if he were to reflect honestly on his work and what he was allowed to do then his response would not advance his cause .
28 The Young King 's opportunity was getting nearer , but if he were to show his hand at last , he needed an excuse , a justification for the war which would make sense in his father 's eyes and just might lead him to condone the attack on Richard .
29 I know that he would not like to do any injustice to the report , but if he were to read the second paragraph , which contains its judgment on the Bill , he might come to a different conclusion .
30 He complained to Donaldson , who coolly said that he had not heard about the delegation , but if he was invited he would join it .
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