Example sentences of "but [conj] he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It appeared that the roof Billy had fallen off was in one Coroner 's jurisdiction , but where he 'd landed was in another 's .
2 But where he did recognise the private sector he merely saw conflict and not the contradictory unity .
3 He came into the room with a broad grin on his face and could hardly wait to tell me that not only had he managed to approach several people at work and ask them questions , but that he had decided to put himself to the test over the last few days and had , in fact , gone up to complete strangers in the street to ask them the time .
4 The prosecution accepted that the notebook proved Mr Thompson had been involved in the distribution of obscene material , a charge the countess had levelled at him earlier in the trial but that he had denied .
5 He remembered not only his father 's harshness , but that he had worked hard and struggled to give both children a good education , holidays abroad and a comfortable home , all things he 'd never had himself .
6 Anthony returned soon after five o'clock with the news that there was no penicillin in the city at all , but that he had telephoned everyone he could think of who might supply it and had sent a telegram to UNRRA headquarters .
7 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
8 In sentencing him , Justice Kemal Bokhary said that the offences committed by Li had been " very serious indeed " but that he had taken into account the accused 's good record and his " contributions to the community in the past years " .
9 The writer remarked that he had ‘ never doubted but that he had succeeded in his place by a commission from the Treasury untill of late that I discovered that he only officiated by orders and an interim warrand from the Commissioners of Customs ’ .
10 Mosley , arguing that Spengler 's understanding of caesarism was profound but that he had failed to see the potential in modern science to rejuvenate society , saw fascism as a ‘ mutiny against destiny ’ .
11 Ten days later he wrote to his sister saying that he had been asked to write an essay about Baldwin , but that he had refused , for he wished neither to lie nor to publish the truth , which he then proceeded to outline :
12 The fact that Marc had registered her exact words seemed to say that they meant something — that he had n't simply dismissed what she had yelled out from the shower , but that he had remembered and , as it seemed now , had brooded over them for some time .
13 He says the ball is now in their court , but that he hopes to return to science with the company .
14 When I asked him once whether his FI career had really mattered to him that much , he answered characteristically that of course it had , but that he enjoyed racing in any form , and of all the forms of racing he enjoyed winning best : ‘ I win more over here , ’ he said , adding with a characteristic grin , ‘ and it 's easier . ’
15 Kant does not think he is putting forward a doctrine on the basis of which ordinary morality can be criticised , but that he has formulated the principles by which all good people implicitly know they should , and in their hearts do , judge their conduct .
16 So deviation is a matter of degree , and at some indefinite point it becomes significant not that a writer has chosen x rather than y or z , but that he has chosen x at all .
17 He reveals that in fact he is Szendrey , but that he has had to change his name in order to escape persecution by the Communists .
18 He told the meeting of MPs that he would prefer to see a more democratically-accountable bank but that he refused to support anything which jeopardised the treaty .
19 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
20 What really matters is not how the horse won , but that he did win , and that in doing so he ended his racecourse career displaying that sparkling but short-lived turn of foot for which he will long be remembered .
21 When Roderigo , ‘ this poor trash of Venice ’ , leaves , Iago tells us that his plan is still vague , but that he intends to bring Othello to the point where surface and reality are so inverted that he will ‘ thank ’ Iago for making him an ass , In the event , Iago succeeds in making Cassio drunk , proceeds to ‘ put ’ him into an ‘ action ’ that — just like the tribunes ' manipulation — degrades him yet ‘ approves my dream ’ ( II.iii.58ff. ) — his fantasy or plan of success .
22 In a press conference on Aug. 1 Danforth stated that he " had given up on the administration " but that he intended to introduce his compromise bill when Congress reconvened from its summer recess .
23 I felt very down , but once he began to need my milk it seemed worthwhile and I gradually began to produce a little more at each pumping .
24 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
25 Her mother might pose a bit of a problem , but once he had seen Liza he could , maybe , win the old girl round .
26 Napoleon III was mild and gentle in his manner and in his dealings with people , but once he had made up his mind , he was inflexible and he was resolved to marry Eugénie .
27 The causeway commanded a view of all this region of the moor , but once he had jumped down and was in the shallow bowl of Goughdale , he could see nothing except the remains of surface workings and the louring slopes of Big Allen .
28 Miss Warburton said she had not told him how she felt , but once he had asked her if she loved him .
29 He 'd never seen his mother or his father reading it , but once he had opened it himself .
30 Darren had always been a good and well-behaved boy but once he had returned home he had been waking repeatedly in the night and been difficult to manage in the day .
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