Example sentences of "but [conj] they [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me that these dreams were not only manifestations of hunger , but that they also evinced a desire to be normal and part of the natural world .
2 Over a period of fifteen years he noted that not only were the ridge and furrow patterns of each individual 's prints unique , but that they never changed .
3 But if they really wanted a Rolling Stone with Youth Appeal , they asked the wrong one .
4 But if they once opened the door , the plague mob would most certainly overwhelm them in searching out their angel , paid-for Miracle-Worker .
5 But if they only looked at me coldly , and whispered behind their hands about me , and then left me one by one ? ’
6 When these same hands gave up playing under the onslaught of feline affection , the cat would wander off , but if they then began to play again , the cat immediately dashed back and resumed its licking .
7 But I did n't go to the altar ; to be honest it was n't for lack of offers , but because they always seemed to come from people I would n't have been caught dead at an altar with .
8 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
9 ‘ They were only doing their job , and doing it properly , but when they eventually left me I was shaking with fear . ’
10 But when they finally met , Shug greeted her in an enigmatic tone , ‘ You sure is ugly ’ .
11 The Myrcans were inscrutable and the Hearthwares dubious , but when they finally set out again there were ten in the company , and Riven had a new companion riding at his side .
12 The kiss seemed to last forever , but as they finally pulled apart Marianne shot a triumphant glance over Dane 's shoulder into the wings .
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