Example sentences of "but [conj] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this I was no different from Michael , but where he thought of eagles , I thought of dolphins .
2 Nothing is known of Eardwulf 's ancestry except that he was a son of an Eardwulf , but that he belonged to a family with strong Ripon associations is probable .
3 It has been suggested that Greek was not the native language of the author but that he wrote in the universal language of the day which was Greek , while thinking in his own language which was probably Aramaic .
4 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ Travis agreed , then said how he 'd dearly love to ring Rosemary at her parents ' home , but that he knew for sure that he could definitely give up even the frail hope he had left of sharing his life with Rosemary if he did that .
5 He simply said that he did not know how the M.P.s would react in his favour but that he counted on me to work with him .
6 The way that most materialists try to reconcile their flight from behaviourism with their materialist world picture is to say that when V sees something , and BS observes V 's brain , BS knows everything about V 's mental states that V himself knows , but that he knows about it in a different way .
7 Mind you it seemed that they had a test at school last week and he was n't terribly happy with it , he said he could n't understand it , he tried to explain to me what it was , but erm , it 's not , not easy , but Ga Gavin said erm , he said they 'd had a test and he said it took him time to get into it but once he got into it , you know , he did alright in it , I think he said how many he got , he did n't seem to do too badly , but he said Alex did n't really do anything and what he did do he thought was wrong so he did n't hand it in , he said and in actual fact what he had done was right , so I do n't know , I told , I told Alex to go and see , you know , and ask about it and sort of erm , apparently he did do that so at least he 'll know , but erm , it 's strange really because normally Alex
8 But although he toyed with it , Mr Broadhurst had no patience with the search for the sophic hydrolith .
9 But although he smiled in the face of the direst provocation , underneath he was as determined as Ricky to go to ten .
10 Allen climbed a tree but although he climbed to a high bough and hung there swaying like a squirrel they were in a low-lying bowl of forest and he could see neither the Smoke nor the last rays of the westering sun but only leaves .
11 But although he talked of acting as a craft , he took no trouble over it . ’
12 But if he decides for Mrs. McLoughlin , then he has intervened in Mr. O'Brian 's life even though the latter was not warned that this would happen .
13 But if he springs for the Savoy , he 's going to want to try out the stuff he saw in Swedish Au Pairs Get Raunchy . ’
14 The son was cross ; but if he thought of the possibility of keeping his own salary for himself , he never voiced it .
15 But if he suffers to this extent by comparison with Barth , he towers over most other theologians of his generation ; and it is more than a little sad that two men so gifted and with so much in common should not have managed to remain closer to each other .
16 But if he gets into the Southampton match he 'll just have to cope . ’
17 At times the sounds seemed so close he could have reached out and touched them but if he moved from his spot everything fell silent .
18 But if he comes to the top of the ridge , he is sure to come down here , because he w ill see the green leaves .
19 ‘ A European ’ , Temple wrote , ‘ can not exert a personal influence on the characters of more than one hundred to two hundred natives ’ ; but if he concentrated on ‘ guiding and controlling the native leaders ’ , then his influence would be ‘ magnified by a natural process a thousand fold ’ and the result would be that : ‘ The power thus exerted is infinitely greater in scope than any power or influence which it can be hoped that he will exert under the … system of Direct Rule . ’
20 If I could get away from him , not talk to him I was happy but if he spoke to me I was ju literally shake in me shoes , he gave you that , he was that erm type of man , although he was kind enough really , but he was really gruff .
21 Sir Charles Jasper , an authority on the occult , has chosen this theatre in which to hold a dinner party to celebrate the fact that at eleven o'clock that night he will come into a fortune — but if he dies before eleven his nephew , Maurice , will inherit instead .
22 He wo n't say anything if he does n't want to — ‘ That 's life , ’ he will shrug , in response to some question that you have built like a house of cards — but if he wants to , he 'll say anything .
23 Anyone alleging poverty was to be charged with ingratitude , but if he persisted in his refusal he was to have his name taken and be told to keep the matter secret .
24 It has not been a characteristic of the Department of Education and Science in the past few years — The Minister seems not to accept that , but if he talked to teachers about one or two recent arbitrary changes in education provision , he might well hear the view that there could have been more consultation .
25 Forbes was thus a contemporary of Darwin and Huxley ; but because he died at the height of his powers just five years before the Origin of Species was published , and because despite his time in Paris he remained an outdoor natural historian having little temptation towards laboratory-based physiology , his work was incomplete and soon seemed obsolete .
26 Belfast loyalists did not vote for Seawright because he wanted to burn Catholics but because he lived in a council flat , spoke up for those loyalists who tried to kill IRA men , and was not prepared to abandon working-class Protestants in order to appear respectable .
27 He left after three years without a degree , not from any lack of ability but because he selected from the course only those subjects — analytical and applied chemistry — which appealed to him .
28 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
29 But since he seemed to be thinking only of me , I felt this was an ungenerous idea .
30 They did notice that , contrary to his usual custom , he showered at the end of the morning 's gym classes ; but since he put on the same grubby and sweaty old clothes he had come in , that was practically a wasted gesture .
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