Example sentences of "but [adv] because [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When Arsenal won the league again two years later , it did n't feel the same — partly because it was achieved in a less dramatic fashion , but mostly because I had nothing left .
2 But mostly because I wanted you to have time to make comparisons .
3 If the Situationist project is flawed , as I believe it is , it is not because antecedent theories of libertarians , Marxists and Council Communists are ignored by them , but rather because they lacked the will to build on this tradition a systematic utopianism consisting of critique and plausible projections into the future .
4 However , this was not because the goods were unfit for use but rather because they included goods of a different description .
5 He spoke of it a lot that evening : not to bring home to her all he 'd done but rather because it 'd been perhaps the biggest single event in his ( now rather dull ) life .
6 No brickbats for that , for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice , but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do , and no doubt also because they believed , quite wrongly , that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good , If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone , usually them , had suffered .
7 She looked towards the bag , where she 'd lovingly wrapped the two priceless items , believing them to be precious — but only because they 'd belonged to her beloved father .
8 They looked phoney , but only because they looked new ; once they had cracked and weathered and slumped a little , nobody would ever credit that they might just as well have been built as concrete and glass shoe-boxes .
9 Dorothy , Birmingham West Midlands region , supporting composite thirty two , speaking without the support of my region , but only because we did n't get around to discussing it , but we will , we will .
10 The stone flew in the air across the surface of the water , skimming as free as a bird but only because it bounced on that surface every now and then and refused to sink at the first contact .
11 Quickly in and out of the sitting-room she slid three hundred pounds from out of her sleeping-bag , not wanting Philip to know how much was there — but only because she did not want anyone to know .
12 One Christmas , Mother managed to find the time to make me a dolly , but only because I pestered .
13 His schedule had worked , but only because he seemed to be carrying out most of it himself .
14 The Russian race , on which the competitors were accommodated on a train following the race route , proved to be a harrowing experience for Zarei , but not because he had been doing too much running .
15 I 'd feed him and clothe him but not because I loved him .
16 I know your ego finds that hard to believe , but just because we had a good time together for a couple of days does not necessarily mean that I 'm yours to play with whenever you feel like it ! ’
17 But just because I did n't learn to sail as a kid seemed a poor reason for not having a go now .
18 But just because I promised I 'd make you a rich widow , do n't think you 're going to get rid of me yet .
19 His clothes were in more of a mess but just because he had been in the city longer .
20 But possibly because he had noted how Conner had lost a protest in mirror-image circumstances , he dropped his jib .
21 She talked about it today partly because she was warm , relaxed and happy , but more because she felt she owed it to Leo .
22 Susie had been secretive partly because of who she was — a different woman might have confronted him openly — but partly because he had driven her to it .
23 Graham frowned as he passed it , partly at its loud white-lettered tyres and obtrusive styling , but partly because it reminded him of something ; something to do with Slater , with Sara even .
24 They transgressed fixity not only because they were without fixed abode , but also because they lacked the identity which , in a hierarchical society , was essentially conferred by one 's place in that society .
25 The world and its leaders reacted very differently to the news of Ceauşescu 's fall : Westerners , even those who had flattered him , rejoiced , but the rulers of Third World or Communist states mourned him — not only for his own violent end , but also because they saw it as a premonition of their own impending fates .
26 They enjoyed huge success from ‘ 63 to ‘ 68 , not only because of the Ventures connection but also because they looked cool and had great-sounding handwound Alnico pickups ( Moseley purposely slanted his rhythm pickups to help balance out the treble and bass response ) .
27 The local people of Banbury are furious at the prospect , not only because of the extra risk , but also because they raised eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds to build the Accident Unit .
28 Therefore , they decided to put their energy into a battle they could only lose , and not just because of television but also because they did so little on their own account to improve the cinemas , and to provide an environment which would lure potential audiences away from their increasingly comfortable homes .
29 Van Praagh became a close friend of the Cranko family , Herbert and Phyllis as well as John ; she proved a valuable ally , not only for her position within the company but also because she had a flair for bringing out the best qualities of young dancers and choreographers , and guiding them in their careers .
30 Laura could indulge these less directly profit-generating activities partly because of their invariable spin-offs but also because she knew others were taking care of the money-making imperative .
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