Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I sh I suppose they might have been but where they were made I , cos I mean you get like they used to b they used to deal in all shoes , no doubt they got them from them .
2 In his own words he was seeking to get immigration control on a basis where it was firm but where it was administered with some degree of compassion for the individual case ’ .
3 Gorbachev declared that around 150 Soviet advisers remained in Iraq , but that they were leaving as their contracts came to an end .
4 This is the other bit of hard work — admitting that our children are n't sick or deranged , but that they were exercising consumer choice .
5 Andrew Dorin , Scottish Natural Heritage 's Orkney officer , said yesterday the transducers were similar in size to oil drums but that they were hoping to find someone prepared to fly them up .
6 All my examples run to quite high numbers , which suggests not only that they were a large early printing , but that they were used as ordinary day returns in later days .
7 And it had on painted hose of black and white , so cunningly painted that no man who saw them would have thought but that they were grieves and cuishes , unless he had laid his hand upon them ; and they put on it a surcoat of green sendal , having his arms blazoned thereon , and a helmet of parchment , which was cunningly painted that every one might have believed it to be iron ; and his shield was hung round his neck , and they placed the sword Tizona in his hand , and they raised his arm , and fastened it up so subtilly that it was a marvel to see how upright he held the sword .
8 Well my Lord , all we know is that erm when the report was served on the defendant it then came through court they were going to have to call Mr and then last week it was suggested er that er not only did they not agree but that they were going to try to prevent it being admitted in evidence .
9 At his press conference this morning , Professor Glennerster said that , when he started his investigation , he was sceptical , but that he was converted by the evidence of his own eyes , and what he had seen and heard .
10 She did not know it , but pallor had conferred an almost grave beauty on her , so that Havvie Blaine , arriving on the minute , thought , not for the first time , that he might be selling himself for dollars , but that he was getting more than dollars in return .
11 A momentary disorientation took him when he found that not only could he not move , but that he was staring straight up at the sky , and there appeared to be no ground underneath him .
12 As she could not stop , he had arisen , telling her that she might cry herself sick , but that he was going to Mrs Inigo , a woman who was n't quite such a cold poultice .
13 In it , he entrusted his ‘ six sons ’ to the protection of his ‘ most celebrated and very dear friend ’ , adding that they were the products of long and laborious labour , but that he was encouraged by the hope that one day they would prove a source of consolation .
14 With that she saw me off with an invitation to visit her the next day after school but that I was to tell my parents in case they were worried where I was .
15 Again , in his biography of Molla Mustafa Sarukhani ( Ak Musli : d. 1016/1608 ) , Ata'i says that the subject , while in retirement from a 40-akce medrese , was in 994/1585–6 given the muftilik of Agras " with [ an ] stipulation and rank " is ambiguous , however , since it could conceivably mean not that the medrese was to be considered as but that it was given with the stipulation that the muderris should receive an medrese in due course ) .
16 The problem with the current rapid expansion of higher education was not that it was underfunded , but that it was taking place in the wrong subject areas , he said .
17 Earlier this month , a US District Court in Columbus awarded Reynolds £18 million compensation and said there was a ‘ substantial likelihood that the report of Reynolds 's drug use was not only false , but that it was disseminated with malice . ’
18 For the drift of the argument was essentially that men did not assume leadership , but that it was granted to them according to criteria which took merit and experience , as well as birth and social standing , into consideration .
19 It is scarcely conceivable in the political climate of the time that the alternative would have been adopted as a matter of policy , but that it was avoided at the cost of serious reductions in the level of policing in much of the country suggests a conscious choice .
20 Peacock and Wiseman 's ‘ displacement theory ’ , covering the period 1890–1953 , suggested that public spending was not rising with the smooth , small changes predicted by Wagner , but that it was displaced ( permanently ) upwards by social upheavals associated , for instance , with depressions or wars leading to demands for new social expenditure ( Fig. 15.6 above indicates the displacements of 1914–18 and 1939–45 ) .
21 She could feel a coolness on her brow , and would have reached up her fingers to find out what was there , but that she was possessed by a lassitude that prevented her moving at all .
22 The woman said she had , and in the filing cabinet behind , but that she was searching specifically for a pair of scissors .
23 If , on the other hand , an arthritic patient reported that the joint problems had cleared up but that she was becoming increasingly anxious and irritable , then the physician would be worried and would be certain that the wrong treatment had been given , even though , superficially , it would seem to have been effective .
24 But once they were engaged , there was nothing she could do to turn him on .
25 But once it was asked , his whole character and political stance gave him little alternative but to say ‘ yes ’ .
26 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
27 Much work was needed to prepare enough radium to treat patients , but once it was made , it was a more convenient source of radiation than the apparatus , extremely primitive by modern standards , which produced X-rays from electric discharges .
28 Not only that , but once it was established that their corporal had an interest in me , every movement I made , almost every breath I drew , was reported back to him , including a very innocent ride I had one evening round the perimeter track in a jeep driven by one of the Flying Control Officers .
29 But once you were qualified for the job you could n't put a stranger on you had to ta teach that stranger a job .
30 The structure of Angevin rule in Aquitaine had been severely shaken by the Young King 's intervention , but once he was gone it was not difficult to pick up the pieces .
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