Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 But where we might have expected a bourgeois society logically to break it up or transform it — as indeed it was to be disintegrated later — the classic phase of bourgeois society reinforced and exaggerated it .
2 A spokesman for the Assembly stated that it was hoped to hold elections by the end of 1992 , but that they might have to be postponed for a few months given the parlous state of the country .
3 Bull confirmed that those taking unpaid leave will get a bonus proportional to the duration of their absence ( three months salary for a year , six months for two years , nine months for three years ) , but that they will have no guarantee of getting their job back after the leave .
4 and er you know if they did erm I mean Martin asked about the , he asked about the good wood guide you know and I told them where they can get it but that they can have it in their office and put it in their library .
5 He added that Mr Kinnock would have been the better orator , but that he would have won on detail and facts .
6 anything , but that he would have
7 She knew she had her partner on the verge of an orgasm , but that he would have to work harder at controlling himself .
8 The Collector had gone up to join Ford on the roof because he wanted to be in a position from which he could give the order to retreat at the right moment ; in his own mind there was no doubt but that he would have to give it sooner or later .
9 Roman said he had already eaten but that he would have another cup of coffee .
10 He replied that he had given it verbally to a police sergeant , but that he must have forgotten about it .
11 Or was it just another side of his character I had not seen before , but that I may have suspected was always there ?
12 He replied that there was n't , but that I should have asked for Operations when I got to Porto .
13 There is no question but that it would have involved tough chairmanship and I am convinced that the Minister — whom I should have expected to chair the conference — would have had to hit a few heads together .
14 The appeal was not very successful and was condemned by many prominent townspeople , but that it could have been launched at all goes to show that old traditions die hard in the West Country !
15 Can the Prime Minister tell the House how he squares his vision of a classless Britain with the experience of a constituent of mine from Fulwood , who was told last May that she needed a hip replacement but that she would have to wait 14 months for the operation under the national health service , and who was told that she could have had the operation immediately had she been able to cough up £4,300 ?
16 The fossils show that paired fins constructed like those in gnathostomes are a relatively late development but that there may have been an experiment with elongated paired fins as seen in anaspids .
17 But although we may have a spiritual or mental knowledge of the pregnancy , the actual physical development of the baby in the womb has to lie beyond our conscious control .
18 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
19 But if we must have myths , the real facts about vampires could tell a different moral tale .
20 ‘ I 'm setting a deadline to open the course in spring 1994 , but if we can have it open in the late summer of 93 that would be ideal , ’ he said .
21 Yeah , but if they 'd have , if they 'd have said look , we 're onto erm a job now which would 've been a big job and it looks like it finishing up in Yorkshire , finishing up in Lancashire , be ready if we give a call out .
22 They were a bit away from the Rice Crispie hole type of thing but if I 'd have used my eyes I would have noticed where they were .
23 but if I 'd have give it , had to give them some water they 'd have done much better but I , like everybody else we kept hoping it were gon na rain , but !
24 I 've only done seven Well there 's twenty tapes and I 've got ta do as many as I can , I have n't done half of them yet , but if I could have them over the weekend I 'd be able to do loads more cos I 'm working on Saturday , I 'm going out Saturday , I think
25 If she 's sat watching them she 's pregnant but if she 'd have sat watching Neighbours and she were n't able to was she ?
26 He 's had a lot of fuss made of him in Britain , but if he 'd have been an American , his win would probably have rated one line in their papers . ’
27 But if he 'd have had some a little bit of direction
28 Yeah but if you 'd have phoned us , then we would
29 And there are certain situations as if you ca n't have a photograph , in a sense , there 's no point in it , because it , in itself , it 's a rather dry little article , but if you can have a fun photograph with somebody doing something with it , that gives you another dimension , another possibility of a hook , another bit of scope for , for , for getting something into the media .
30 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
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