Example sentences of "but [adv] you [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps you do n't remember how he hated that life , and what a state it got him into .
2 But perhaps you do n't need that sort of thing in the old lee-gitimate theayter .
3 It 's not so rough as some things , it 's not so rough as rugby but perhaps you do n't mind being a bit rough do you ?
4 But perhaps you have n't seen the apes that live today . ’
5 But still you do n't say why you 've called . ’
6 ‘ OK , so you need a base , but surely you do n't need one quite as big as this ? ’
7 " But surely you have n't seen him lately ? "
8 But even you do n't know what to do about the third , do you ?
9 er but sometimes you do n't get very much .
10 But fortunately you do n't work for me , ’ he murmured .
11 But then you have n't all that long to go , have you ?
12 Erm but then you have n't got the security of renting I do n't think .
13 But then you do n't build character overnight .
14 But then you do n't have to be dead to be ignored .
15 But then you do n't feel anything for anyone else either , do you ? ’ he asked indifferently .
16 ‘ Ah , but then you do n't know me .
17 ‘ No , ’ he admitted , ‘ but then you do n't have a sister like Phena , do you ?
18 You could go with the travel club , I suppose , but then you do n't get the chance to come down the Three Goats Heads pub in the city centre before and after the match and meet everyone else from the list — hopefully .
19 But then you do n't have something to draw the women .
20 But then you do n't do that .
21 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
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