Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] have got " in BNC.

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1 They say that the food is very rich , but luckily they 've got plenty of room in their dresses !
2 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
3 But perhaps you 've got a long drive ahead , ’ he said , not so much hesitantly as enquiringly .
4 Er , so that 's okay to an extent , but obviously we 've got an approved list of building societies and banks , which we never used to have , but we 've realized that er since B C C I p particularly and the housing market as bad as it is , there are some building societies and banks who may be in difficulties , and if they go down erm then they may not be taken over .
5 But obviously we 've got to be very careful about looking at actual work carried out , bearing in mind that is
6 And I mean the actual the U K market those in those areas is quite developed and has got quite a reputation but obviously it has got to be able to develop develop and adapt accordingly over time .
7 But obviously I 'd got on to something a bit more skilled and I still had this know all attitude .
8 But anyway we 've got a tight we 've got a tight time scale .
9 ‘ I do n't know about the rest but anyway I 've got to pass the word around . ’
10 Half-an-hour and half-a-pound of best Irish butter later , I had not only not succeeded , but somehow I 'd got him further through .
11 But somehow he had got in .
12 She got , she only won ten thousand , but like I mean , not ten thousand , yeah ten thousand , yeah ten thousand but like she 's got a lot of money anyway like .
13 but still I 've got a hundred pound in there , you have seventy one , seventy two pound worth , plenty stuff
14 But clearly we 've got the charter commitments and we need to make sure we fulfil those .
15 Also when we was giving this demonstration for the people in Bloxwich for the , our unit in King George 's playing fields , we 'd got all our weaponry on , on , on show what we 'd got Vickers machine gun , the Brownings rifles this anti-tank bomb anti-tank tube , whatever you li gun , whatever you like to call it , but also we 'd got what , what was termed a bucket bomb .
16 I mean the mixer 's just as bad but really we 've got on to them Brian did and they made a good job , they squared it up .
17 but really I 've got to talk to somebody , I 've got to talk to somebody for their
18 But really it had got there but again But what I 'm saying is , that service of carriage forward we were making almost as much money on the kit coming back cos we could have charged another
19 He says it was for their funeral but now they 've got nothing .
20 But now they 've got got the additional worry of discovering that the applications they made to various universities and polytechnics back in October may never have been sent .
21 but now they 've got their P H D
22 We thought all our problems were over when we finally got the rig set up , but now we 've got to examine a deluge of fresh rock ! ’
23 ‘ I only stole it for the wire , ’ she said , ‘ but now we 've got it I suppose we might as well drink it . ’
24 The metal crowd were really quite ancient but now we 've got a mum monitor who answers the phone and reassures all the mums that their little ones are going to be OK . ’
25 But now we 've got a new breed of black sportsmen .
26 but now we 've got H equals sine L.
27 If the figures that we 've been given the recent figures , cos w I 've been working on figures for August up to August but now we 've got even better figures .
28 You had an awfully raw deal out of it , but now we have got it right . ’
29 But now it 's got red across it , failed !
30 But now he has got the measure of it .
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