Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] course [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well each has a particular history erm each has a particular culture and pattern of doing things , structure of government as I 've mentioned but also of course we have common interests so in foreign policy we sometimes draw differences between what we would regard as the direct interests of each state and what we can call common interests of mankind .
2 But also of course there was this propaganda from from the government you know that erm they 'd just got to keep up morale and this was one one way as you will see in a minute of how they did it .
3 I was bitterly ashamed of what I was doing , or letting people do to me , but also of course I got to like it , and even crave it , in a manner of speaking .
4 See they used to get the , they used t what they call they used to report for work at say quarter past seven in the morning and then they be at work at half past seven , but now of course they do n't now , they , I think they start about eight o'clock now .
5 But now of course there 's Crooks and that means , not bottles of aspirins , bad example , but Strepsils the lozenges for example , are now sold in an enormous range of private pharmacies which are not Boots and they are therefore completely outside the term output , it may be a restricted term , it may not be the one we want , but that is what it was meant and that is what the number is generated from .
6 They can be more selfless , more public spirited , more erm idealistic than they would be on their own , because the super ego can presumably erm influence the ego in both directions , it can make the ego erm transcend itself as it were to higher ideals and like someone sometimes sees this in , in group behaviour , but equally of course it can erm debase the ego by setting lower standards than the ego would normally accepted itself .
7 But nowadays of course they have a day off for lectures .
8 were doing this programme in the United States that 'll be , but then of course you living in the States you 'll probably all have guns
9 ‘ I did n't think people read Tennyson nowadays , ’ he said , ‘ but then of course you are n't just ‘ people ’ . ’
10 Have you , technically , presumably erm , Gooch could appeal , you can be timed out if you 're not on the , on the field by that time , but then of course you 've got another erm eighty yards or so to walk to up to the far end .
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