Example sentences of "but [pron] be in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I am in my twelfth summer , ’ she said aloud then , stifling a sob .
2 ‘ Nay , ’ said the victor courteously , ‘ but I am in yours . ’
3 I do n't know if you remember me , but I was in your English class many years ago .
4 But I 'm in my element then are n't I ?
5 But you are in you ca n't recall .
6 The curving shapes are there but she is in her Sunday best , positively dripping in spires , swags , pilasters , finials , and coats of arms , the better to proclaim her respectability and superiority .
7 But she was in her bed , all right . ’
8 What I really want is to meet someone who I can have a bit of fun with , but who is in it for the pleasure and does n't want paying .
9 Li Po is leaving the world of men for a far more perfect world but there is in his poem nonetheless the idea that he might have wanted both of these worlds , but he has lost one of them ; thus he is chastened .
10 But there is in us another level of being which lies deeper than knowing or acting , and it is at that further depth that the genuine religious impulse arises and lives .
11 At present the most promising approaches are coming from network models , but they are in their very early stages and the day of a convincing object recognition network is still some way off .
12 But they were in her voice as she whispered down to her , ‘ It , 11 be all right .
13 I mean my , one of my friend 's sons , he was a computer man , he was working on his own but he 's in his I should think he 's getting on for about forty six and he was doing freelance but this recession the people who er the firms who were employing him are using their own staff and they 're not calling on him now and er he 's not done any computing for twelve months .
14 He lacked the Boswellian charm , to say nothing of the genius , of the Italian , but he was in his alternately gay and lugubrious way better company than Mitford had suggested .
15 Not his case , but he was in it himself , stuck like a fly .
16 But he was in his thirties , and already much set in his ways , and perhaps reluctant to make too many changes too quickly .
17 Not only did he prove himself the master of a number of accredited and experienced Division Two full-backs but he was in his usual place of outside-right in Palace 's best-ever Cup victory when we walloped Everton 6–0 at Goodison on 7 January 1922 .
18 No dealer operates a guarantee on fish , but it is in everyone 's interests ( not least or just the goodwill factor ) to find out what is wrong .
19 Given the demands of their business , it is improbable that developers will commission masterpieces , but it is in their power to avoid monstrosities .
20 But it is in their generalized role as the preventers and headers-off of criminality that they give the greatest value to schools as well as to young people and their families .
21 But it is in our own interests to act as if they were there .
22 But it is in our view , government policy to provide for development needs .
23 Ah , but it is in your context , you defined modern .
24 His high profile as a comedian , poet , singer and musician has a lot to do with the regular weekly poem he writes for the Weekend Guardian , recent appearances on radio in ‘ Kaleidoscope ’ and ‘ Loose Ends ’ and the ‘ Time Out ’ Cabaret Award , but it is in his live stage act that he can best be appreciated as an hilarious dead-pan comic .
25 Maybe she was n't even hungry but it 's in her to kill .
26 But it 's in my little green bag somewhere , do you know where it is .
27 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
28 As soon as you enter he 'll lock the door , but it 's in his contract to act suspiciously ( in all good murder mysteries the butler did it ) .
29 I hoped you would stay away from racing but it was in your blood .
30 He did not know whether it was to be part of this year 's pay round , but it was in itself a ‘ cost-neutral ’ proposal .
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