Example sentences of "but [pron] does not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers of media studies criticise the exclusiveness of the traditional literature canon to which students are often forced to pay lip-service in examinations but which does not engage their imagination as films do .
2 You have to start from a pain of yours and conceive of there being something like this which hurts but which does not hurt you , and also that there could be something which is like you but not you for such pains to hurt .
3 It should also be apparent , though , that there is a variety of other behaviour which is outside the rules and standards of society but which does not break the criminal law .
4 So we 've tried to set the duty at a level which makes it clear to those who seek to commit financial crime that they 're more likely to be caught but which does not impose additional reporting burdens or costs on those who conduct their business honestly and that is a most important balance to strike .
5 Firstly , there is the immediate cause , which is necessary to bring about the specific instance of conflict but which does not provide the sufficient conditions for conflict in general to occur .
6 You can use DATA in conjunction with READ to include data in your program which you may need to change from time to time , but which does not need to be different every time you run the program .
7 A second way in which Lakatos 's methodology could conceivably be supported is as follows : The methodology might serve to identify a programme that received strong support from the scientific community but which does not conform to the methodology of research programmes , and this identification might subsequently lead to the novel discovery of some external cause , such as the intervention of some government or industrial monopoly .
8 It is the position of the adjective which instantiates a property explicitly assigned to the entity already identified by the subject of the sentence but which does not take part in identifying that subject .
9 But she does not aim to address psychological issues outside the psychoanalytic field .
10 She ‘ would prefer to think of different languages as having the potential to exploit differing degrees of subjectivity ’ but she does not think there is ‘ any neutral ontology or world view which is objective and can serve as a universal yardstick .
11 Lakoff ( 1975 ) mentions cultural similarities in patterns of women 's and men 's language use , and proposes that feminists should learn from the black consciousness movement 's pride in Black English , but she does not extend this awareness into an analysis of differences within women 's and men 's languages .
12 I feel pity for her , and a faint amusement , but she does not hold my attention .
13 No doubt the Duchess was careless , even indiscreet , but she does not deserve the crude nastiness emanating from the Palace .
14 But she does not feel sorry for her friend Liz Headleand .
15 Anita does not chant , but she does not stir , either .
16 She mentions Chodorow 's socialization theory of the transfer of concerns with care and responsibility from mothers to daughters , but she does not make it an integral part of her own account .
17 But she does not discuss how knowledge of these individual processes can translate into social action , nor , more fundamentally , how the unconscious can be made conscious .
18 But she does not consider the unconscious as psychoanalysis portrays it , as an enduring , ubiquitous phenomenon which might resist feminist change more generally .
19 But she does not keep her word ? ’
20 But she does not share the criminality of the real-life Frith who was apparently arrested several times , and variously recorded as being a bawd , thief , receiver , gang-leader , and whore ; the character Moll Cutpurse definitely is not these things , and in the play-world is only falsely accused of being so .
21 But she does not say it , although her anger dispels the nervousness .
22 How her borrowings became so vast is a bit of a mystery , but she does not seem to have ploughed the straightest furrow in Osaka .
23 But she does not take kindly to criticism .
24 Another letter , from Holland , claims that the writer owns a round cube , but she does not find that interesting .
25 And I am also thinking of the identification of Rahila Khan — a novelist supposedly Asian and female — as an Anglican vicar ; and of the attempt to thwart a biography by the Englishman Ian Hamilton of the American J. D. Salinger , whose novels tell the story of his life , but who does not want anyone else to do so , preferring to keep his facts to himself .
26 A person who has applied for life assurance , but who does not wish to have the test after being asked to do so , should write withdrawing their life assurance application at once , because otherwise it will be refused .
27 That being so , suppose we have another member of staff who is equally as effective as a teacher but who does not work up the lecture notes in the same way : could we not say that his or her teaching is integrated with research to the same degree ?
28 The third : the targets are met or exceeded but one does not see the results in the shops .
29 But one does not have to go so far as to support child benefit for the qualitative demographic effect it may or may not have .
30 The examples in Task 12 are invented ; but one does not have to look far to find such exchanges in real life .
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