Example sentences of "but [pron] is [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Mary did n't get hit , but she is adamant that her father threw the tray of cups and saucers to the floor and they did n't just fall .
2 The 1991 season may turn out to be Jon Solly 's last serious crack at the 10,000m , but he is confident that he can get as far as Tokyo for the World Championships .
3 But he is confident that some announcements will be made by year-end on those who have decided to take up the offer .
4 Henderson is aware that there has been talk of Lennie being lured away but he is confident that the Boro boss will stay and see the Boro into a new era of success .
5 The new minister admits that all this could take eight to ten years and an improved economic climate but he is adamant that attitudes must change .
6 True , his work on a new novel has been disrupted , delayed , by his recent prodigious political efforts , but he is certain that his writing will survive , even when normality does n't .
7 He does not believe that Britain lacks for entrepreneurs , but he is concerned that many of them do not do their homework well enough .
8 But he is concerned that the choice of leisure and sporting pursuits could be cut as schools try to balance their finances .
9 Lord Hailsham may be critical of the British constitution , but he is clear that " whatever else has been the cause of our failure , it is not capitalism , or free enterprise in any form " .
10 Quite the contrary , degrees of review may have differed over time but it is indisputable that the judiciary accepted that non-jurisdictional errors of law could exist .
11 North America and Europe are catching up fast , but it is appropriate that a Japanese company has gone back 30 years for a discarded technology to solve some of the problems .
12 There are moments of natural awakening to one 's own beauty , but it is rare that it is really appreciated in the early years of womanhood ; usually it is taken for granted , and only lamented when it is gone .
13 It is not clear to what extent the Securitate is now a ‘ state within the state ’ and to what extent it is directly answerable to President Ceausescu , but it is odd that the service 's worst excesses have occurred when the head of state is on an official trip abroad , in this case to Iran .
14 Such an advanced social and administrative development is certainly apparent in seventh century Kentish law-codes ; but it is odd that these make little provision for economic transactions .
15 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
16 But it is possible that the Dostoevsky scholar whose book prompted Bayley 's comment might not have understood it — how could an acknowledged great novel , worth writing about at length , be said not to ‘ come off ’ ?
17 But it is possible that we have such an idea when there is no external thing like it .
18 The reference here to the ‘ University ’ is almost certainly exclusive to Cambridge but it is possible that Green had in mind its implications in a wider context .
19 All accommodation and resorts are described as they are seen , but it is possible that local conditions and changes could affect the situation quite significantly .
20 But it is possible that so much competence could be transferred from the member states to the Community that member states would lose their status as sovereign states ’ .
21 But it is possible that all this evaluation of sites and techniques may be wasted .
22 But it is possible that more or less than this number may develop .
23 Dom Grossard need not be correct ; certainly Pérignon perfected the art of producing starbright white wines , but it is possible that others succeeded before him — the fame of the white wines of Aÿ , for example , suggests this .
24 We initiated the solution of P2 by solving LP ( 1 , θ ) , but it is possible that this problem is unbounded whereas LP ( 1 , θ ) has a solution for some other values of θ .
25 No German records relating to such a formation have so far been found , but it is possible that they were aircraft of III/ZG 26 .
26 He did add , however : ‘ But it is possible that it could be held elsewhere , maybe in Italy , Germany or Britain . ’
27 But it is possible that auditors are trapped by their competitive environment , and so are unable to heed Professor Tweedie 's warning even if they wanted to .
28 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
29 Of course , almost always the two immediately annihilate each other , so the event might never have happened , but it is possible that on occasion , for one reason or another , the two are separated so swiftly that annihilation does not occur .
30 Details are not yet available , but it is possible that Dr Threadneedle turned her into some sort of cyborg death machine . ’
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