Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb -s] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I prefer a more recessed sound with the guitar shade more forward , but nothing stands in the way of a hearty recommendation .
2 The company man puts a green tracer dye in a couple of machines , but none appears in the drain .
3 Well she was gon na have the three piece suite actually but she lives in a bungalow and of course the settee was a six foot settee which they do n't make now
4 JUDY MOWATT , one third of Marley 's backing singers , The I-Threes , is not rich , asking a hundred US dollars for an interview , but she lives in the better part of Kingston .
5 Such places are few , but one lies in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco .
6 He looks extremely real and solid , and is clearly not illusory , but he talks in a stiff , halting manner .
7 But he operates in a world that I do n't want any part of .
8 From perhaps a weakness , or , as I rather hope , more fancy and warmth of feeling than is quite reasonable , my mind is ever impressed with admiration for persons of high birth , and I could , with the most perfect honesty , expatiate on Lord Errol 's good qualities ; but he stands in no need of my praise . ’
9 But it happens in a whole range of programmes .
10 But it remains in the BBC 's history even if it does not remain in the history of the Labour Party .
11 Also , a tiny opening in the bone , called the neutrient foramen , should open laterally , but it opens in the opposite direction .
12 Sign language interpreting shares the process with spoken language interpreting and probably with general language comprehension but it differs in the situation of the users of the language and the community 's attitude towards them .
13 This coloration is extremely attractive to human eyes and most people think of it as just another feline coat pattern , like tabby or tortoiseshell , but it arises in a completely different way .
14 This would seem self-evident but it has in the past exercised the minds of many lawyers , in relation to the IMRO venture capital rules at least .
15 In Scotland and Wales there is the same pressure for equal treatment but it comes in the first instance from MPs who will pounce on any discrepancies and ask why England ( or Scotland and Wales ) is receiving special treatment .
16 I appreciate that , but it comes in the same paragraph , so it , you must admit that it 's a little er , confusing .
17 Yeah , so yeah ah you 're alright so you 'll say yeah course I 'm alright , there 's no fee , so eventually I get to the point where I said look I did say there 's no fee involved but I 'd , I , that 's a bit of a lie because there is a fee for all the work I 'm er but it comes in the form of referrals , in the form of recommendation , not actual money .
18 At first this was interpreted as a separate medusa-like form , but it appears in a number of specimens in just such a position and some now think that it may have been a holdfast .
19 Peć is still the spiritual centre of the Serbian Orthodox Church , but it lies in a remote corner of Yugoslavia , close to the Albanian border , in the Albanian-speaking province of Kosovo .
20 This goes without saying for the news and current affairs output , but it applies in the religious world also .
21 It would n't work if the component was made from very fibrous wood which might lift with the glue but it works in a lot of circumstances which defy the ‘ sash cramp ’ solution .
22 But what happens in the Baltic , or indeed many of the smaller among the country 's 15 republics , pales into insignificance compared with how the party fares in Russia .
23 But what happens in the future may take a different line . ’
24 But what happens in the case of chain hotels which already offer comfortable , quality furnishings and a number of accessories and facilities as standard ?
25 But what sticks in the mind is how easily the City was able to use the self-regulatory nature of the investor protection system — ‘ we pay for it , so get him off our backs ’ — to twist the arm of the government .
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