Example sentences of "but [pron] [det] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't normally ask but me own lad is a greet big jessy and can not stand up for himself let alone kick f*** out of Roger Cook .
2 ‘ It 's forgotten , ’ I said , but my own hand was trembling a little as it reached to take the unsteady , hairy hand he offered across the table .
3 But my own belief is that each spirit evolves by progressing through a series of different human lives , one after another , learning its lessons along the way .
4 But my own role is to investigate the MacQuillan murder . ’
5 For example , the system may use a rapidly diffusing inhibitor and a slowly diffusing activator ; the inhibitor inhibits activator production but its own production is dependent on the activator itself ; and the activator stimulates its own synthesis .
6 It is a great barn of a place which seats 5,000 but which that day was due to hold 2,500 .
7 Many medieval market towns were originally villages of little note , and have sunk back again into obscurity , but their former importance is betrayed by the spider 's net of roads that still converge upon them .
8 She struggled furiously for a few seconds but her former strength was lost to her .
9 But her own home was a hot-bed for the emotions .
10 But her own life was often stranger than any action-packed fiction plot .
11 But her own perspective was different : Durance had told Joseph that Leary was living nearby but Joseph had done nothing about contacting his old friend until he needed an alibi for the night of the murder .
12 She was frantic to know more but her own ambulance was involved in an accident and she could do nothing until the end of her duty to learn whether or not Chris was involved .
13 Forester could simply melt away and leave the area , but his own freedom was n't his main concern ; he 'd already spent a week away from Cumbria , and he had a sick fear of returning to find the clinic ruins empty and the valley returned to placid normality .
14 But his own reasoning was different : there were questions he wanted to ask and things he wanted to consider before it became common knowledge that MacQuillan had received a threat typed on a newsroom machine .
15 Lambert watched it as long as he could , but his own plane was losing height , and he limped over the British lines at fifty feet .
16 Deciding that captaincy was affecting his batting , he stood down in favour of Fletcher for a season , resuming again in 1989 when the county did well but his own form was fairly ordinary .
17 But what that picture was leading me to ask was something he had quoted Plato as asking — whether it had all been worthwhile , his whole life ?
18 I do n't know enough actuarial work to be able to and what settlements they should receive , but our own experience is that it 's hard enough to round up pensioners to form an association and we embody deferred pensioners and they 're even harder .
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