Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb past] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
2 Well I 'm , I 'm the same , I was talking to Rob the other day and er , I forget how I mentioned it , but I said something about , oh I think it 's because I was saying why do n't you come up like this week because he 's off this week , and er , he was making some excuse or other , oh I 've got three weeks off in the summer , oh I 'd sooner come up when I 've got this longest spell off , you know , and I want to get this chimney done and blah , blah
3 The Oxford University Library should be worried , but I said what about his sight ?
4 But I told him about the telly that it 's a bit beyond redemption .
5 He went into hospital to have his piles sorted out , but nobody knew anything about it until the treatment was over — and then there were more Williams ‘ bum ’ stories .
6 Her eyes were bright and her face pink , but she said nothing about their encounter with Matthew and Sara felt it would be prying to ask questions .
7 Of course she was aware , cognitively , that there was a life outside universities , but she knew nothing about it , nor did Charles , or her parents .
8 I read the appeal in the newspapers for Madame V to come forward , but they said nothing about abduction or ransom .
9 Cranston and Athelstan squatted down before the coffer and began to go through Sir Ralph 's personal papers , but they found nothing about his years in Outremer .
10 More " concrete " , yes ; but he said nothing about " more specific , more precise " .
11 Back at the house , she waited , tense , to see whether he would take his things up to another room , but he said nothing about it , only slid into his bag with a sigh that assuaged her ; it was the sigh of a child finding a safe place .
12 But he knew nothing about Gregory VII 's comprehensive decree of 1078 against lay investiture .
13 But he muttered something about proportions and how the odds were stacked .
14 But what struck me about this particular outburst , emerging as it did in the midst of the most media-intensive war in history , was its implicit assumption about the gullibility of the British public .
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