Example sentences of "but [pron] [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 There was talk of Minton in addition illustrating a book for Elek on South London but nothing ever came of this .
2 We made lots of plans , but nothing ever came of them .
3 Shortly after this Marty Stone , our second engineer , and I re-enacted the whole thing for the benefit of two Daily Mirror journalists who were supposed to be writing an article about the work of the Cutter Service , but nothing ever came of this .
4 It is well known that I disliked what was in the first three-year letter of intent , but I wholly approved of the principle .
5 I thought I 'd exhausted every possibility , rivals of every pedigree from the Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies to a rough-trade gamekeeper out at Shotover , but I never thought of family .
6 ‘ Everyone seemed to think Benjamin was a virgin , but I never thought of him as that , but that it was the first time he was making love to a woman who was old enough to be his mother , and who was his mother 's friend . ’
7 She said to Sally-Anne , ‘ Well , I do need a maid of all work , that 's true , but I never thought of hiring a lady … ’
8 Well I mean , they might sell it down the shop but I never heard of it .
9 ‘ My dearest darling , I do n't know whether I should be writing this to you , but I still think of you every day of my life , first thing when I wake up and last thing before I go to sleep .
10 He claimed that complaints were up but nobody ever thought of complaining when the Labour party was in power because there was not a proper procedure , and in many cases the service was so bad that people did not bother .
11 I would n't do it now because I , ever since that , that woman was on the train was stabbed and thrown out , I would n't go alone on holidays now but in those days , well maybe I was a lot , course I was younger then but you never heard of such things
12 Can I just say er , in in primary schools you 've got to catch the children young , but you never hear of any of the mothers taking the football teams it 's always one of the fathers !
13 She only remembers her mother when she was already grey-haired , but she still thought of her as beautiful , stately .
14 He had died before they could marry , but she still dreamed of their long walks on the Moor and the kisses which they had exchanged when they had managed to escape from her chaperone .
15 We ordinarily think of values and obligations being really there , but we also think of them as intrinsically prescriptive. that is , such that one who knows them must be affected conatively in an appropriate way .
16 They might on occasion last several days rather than one day or less , but we seldom heard of them lasting longer than two weeks or so .
17 But we usually think of time as hours and minutes and seconds too if we are being very exact .
18 The sententiae are still firmly attached to the view that trusts operate in personam , but they still know of the restricted real protection allowed by the missio .
19 Three albums in a year but they still reek of potential and new ideas , ’ wrote Eleanor Levy in Record Mirror .
20 But he strongly disapproved of the proselytizing that went on under the cloak of humanitarianism .
21 But he also spoke of the kingdom being present on earth now , in a way that pointed forward to the fullness of its coming in the future .
22 As soon as I was strong enough , and could walk again , I fetched my baby from the nursing home , but he then died of shock from an operation necessitated by stomach trouble .
23 If ever I was asked what Nigel ‘ did ’ , I would reply that he was a designer , or sometimes I 'd say an inventor , but he always spoke of himself as an engineer .
24 But he never spoke of the pitiful way in which the soul bowed its head humbly and submissively before the Lad .
25 ‘ Doing discourse analysis ’ certainly involves ‘ doing syntax and semantics ’ , but it primarily consists of ‘ doing pragmatics ’ .
26 This important six-part television series was shown for the first time in June 1988 , and in itself was an indication that freedom of intellectual debate had indeed been extended , but it also forewarned of the type of strong criticism to be expected from the conservatives in the party .
27 You may or may not be familiar with Acton , one gets a glimpse of it from the train , but it largely consists of railway yards , goods depots , great piles of broken-up cars .
28 But it regularly boasts of buying abroad to cut costs .
29 Homophobia is always a handy excuse for not buying records , but it still reeks of the subhuman .
30 But it only remained of crucial importance to that small minority of bigoted constables who classify all Catholics as equally evil and nefarious .
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