Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I am also Nyoka , your snake .
2 Now it is Laci who initiates the great ideas , but I am always part of the realisation .
3 I 've kept touching you because I still have the greatest difficulty keeping my hands off you , but I was also doing Simon 's trick , attempting to nudge fate along .
4 No but I was just sort of testing you out to see , you know , how you reacted .
5 But I was absolutely Doctor
6 But I was still Queen of Scots , so I came back to Scotland .
7 And I said , yeah , but I was very sort of non-committal
8 Grating ginger , Phoebe Snow on the stereo thank you but I 'm just lookin ' , sipping wine , a wry smile damping her forest fire , she thought , at least we 'll have a good meal .
9 But I 'm only human , and you … ’
10 Some of these names represent principalities and have a political significance ; others are simply regional tags which identify the surrounding population , for example the Solland in the far south , which used to be an independent realm but which is now part of Wissenland .
11 There were still odd things round the house that had belonged to his father , but which were now Stuart 's .
12 I said , I 've got my own responsibility , that 's mine , I said , but you 're only responsibility is to be in that lecture for ten o'clock .
13 At times you appear to be over-optimistic , unrealistic and inclined to put the cart before the horse , but you are also kind , caring and generous to a fault .
14 Your firm might have problems but you are still solvent , that 's more than I am . ’
15 And you 've been in a scenario where there 's one manager and there 's a few people who are n't in a managing role , but you are actually managers , maybe they 'd like a little reversal , I mean , I think some good things have come out of that , and possibly things that you 'd do better next time .
16 So do bear those things in mind , because part of today and yesterday has been saying to you , how you can present yourselves to radio and T V in such a way that you 're not only experts in your specific subjects , but you are sufficiently expert in the techniques that go to make up good radio , that people will say , ‘ Let's have so-and-so back again .
17 Right I put this together ah very quickly just before you came in , I thought it would be useful to get some feedback on the education the two educational events that have taken place so far , now unfortunately I could n't go to Topping Printing but you were there Ann
18 And I can remember one of my first patients I had to take blood from , and it took me quite a few goes on that poor lady but she 's still friends with me so she 's forgiven me .
19 Joanna Lumley may be better known for her recent performance in ‘ Absolutely Fabulous , ’ but she is also president of Farms for City Children .
20 Yesterday a Teesside Crown Court jury was told by James Spencer QC , prosecuting : ‘ That lady survives today but she is permanently brain damaged and disabled and she is unable to say what happened to her on the morning on Wednesday , August 29 , 1990 . ’
21 Pocahontas was n't a Dead White European Male ( in case you 're not familiar with the current acronym ) but she is definitely PC ( Politically Correct ) .
22 Wade will , of course , always be remembered for one special summer 's afternoon at the All England Club , but she was also world number two in 1975 and won the first-ever U.S. Open in 1968 .
23 ‘ Jenna lived with her mother , but she was always Russell 's daughter and his delight .
24 Lorna Lewis might not have made a picture since a flopperoo called It Happened in Monte Carlo three years ago , but she was still Hollywood royalty .
25 What advice would the Minister offer to a student who has a full student grant and a student loan but who is still £500 below the income support level , the minimum subsistence level for any individual in society ?
26 It might increase our intellect , er our I Q might go up but we 're still sinners !
27 I sometimes dream of him : at times he enters my dreams with loving smiles , at times he is cold and indifferent , but we are always friends .
28 For many years we had been permitted to lay out and examine wreckage in a couple of hangars at RAE Farnborough ; but we were strictly visitors , not always welcome with our requirements for hangar space , and of course our needs were always secondary to those of our host RAE .
29 I was from a family in Northern California , about thirty miles out of San Francisco ; I had an older brother who had and still has a great collection of 45s , but we were actually swimmers .
30 It 's hard work building a nest , but there s still time to stop and share a tit bit .
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