Example sentences of "but [art] [noun prp] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 France and West Germany had presented a proposal for an immediate co-ordinated financial aid package amounting to some US$15,000 million , but the USA had argued that it could not commit itself to direct aid until the Soviet Union had reduced military spending , moved more forcefully to a market economy and curtailed its aid to Cuba .
2 But the SSD has hit back , claiming it was the Appeal Court rather than the department which was placing children at risk .
3 But the Scarabae had wanted Ruth .
4 But the US has said that the prospect of General Noriega at large with access to secret funds and free to organise revenge or counter-coups or de-stabilisation in Panama was simply unacceptable .
5 But the CDP has objected .
6 Simpson had broadcast a similar report nine months earlier , but the FO had dismissed it as media hype and not considered it interesting enough to follow up .
7 But the Twiggs have done much more than that .
8 The end might now be in sight , but the Eiger had exacted a grim toll for the right of passage .
9 Since 1984 the Justice Department has had authority to prosecute terrorists who attack Americans abroad , but the FBI has had to request permission from the host countries to return them to the US .
10 But the COS had refused to acknowledge the role of economic forces with respect to character , justifying J. A. Hobson 's jibe that their philosophy could be summed up in the phrase ‘ character is the condition of conditions ’ .
11 How the Mini Master will be regarded by Britain 's Civil Aviation Authority remains to be seen , but the CAA has indicated so far that it will expect pilots flying the aircraft to be holders of a multi engine rating , which currently costs around £1,200 to obtain on a conventional twin aircraft .
12 But the West has manufactured substitutes and commodity prices have crashed — making it increasingly hard for Third World countries to earn enough to repay their debts .
13 But the Norns had smiled , and lifted the shears in the end .
14 But the T'ang had kept his thoughts to himself about the killing .
15 Tricon Foodservice Consultants has been brought in to give advice , but the Cassons have had some difficulty in accepting the drastic measures needed to ensure survival .
16 A Captain in KGB he might be , the power in the kingdom of Zone I , feared by the superior in rank and the inferior in fortune , but the Major had demanded that inside the Administration block in the mornings he should wear his uniform .
17 But the SFA have made it clear they are not prepared to give complete clearance for all the games to be shown in Scotland .
18 And she did ; but the Inglese had disappeared through the window and down a drainpipe .
19 But the DoH had made huge efforts to provide training for home helps through the training support grant and NVQs .
20 ‘ But , but , but the Abbot has gone to get help , ’ said a lady nome uncertainly .
21 The Ulster Unionist vote is down slightly overall , but the DUP has held its support , reversing the trend of two previous council elections which saw its vote slipping .
22 Harry looked round desperately for the O'Hanlons to assist him , but the O'Hanlons had fainted at the very outset and had been dragged clear by Ram , who was now trying to fan them back to consciousness with a copy of the Illustrated London News .
23 There was a lot of flak but the Fokkers had gone .
24 But the TCCB have emphasised that acceptance of his explanation is certainly not a precedent for possible future cases .
25 But the Mahomeds have established themselves as solid citizens .
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