Example sentences of "but [adj] [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Responses of the type 0.4 = ¼ were given by around 13 per cent of pupils to most of the questions where a decimal was presented , but 2.3 was given as ⅔ by 45 per cent of pupils .
2 All of these were fine guitars , but each was met with a disappointing thumbs-down from the Les Paul-totin' guitar heroes of the day .
3 Such products , attractively boxed and delivered to the classrooms of the early 1970s , certainly offered multiple media — text , images and sound — but each was delivered as an independent element in the package .
4 In December 1942 an Inspectorate of Eastern Troops was set up to supervise the formation and training of the proliferating military units ; but each was subordinated to a German unit ; and although an officer 's academy was established at Mariumpol , Lithuania ( later Conflans , France ) , the units were never assembled into tactical formations , and were largely posted on occupation duties to Western and Southern Europe .
5 Each of the problems that beset Gorbachev — the shrinking authority of the Communist Party , the military discontent , nationalist clamour , the dogged demands of the Balts for the return of their stolen countries — each of these was a crisis in its own right ; but each was overshadowed by , and interconnected with , the failure of the economy and shortage of food , the failure of government .
6 But Labour was shaken to the core by a passionate battle for the deputy leadership ( a post originally created to placate Herbert Morrison after 1951 ) between Denis Healey and Tony Benn .
7 She had her head on her hands , but neither was attached to her body .
8 We could not avoid , we felt , erm a small part of the fixed cost to the primary schools being cut , but that was offset by a provision for additional staffing in the primary sector , which we identify as an important item .
9 People were expected to come on time , but that was accepted as Claudia being a bit eccentric .
10 But that was stopped by police officers at the scene . ’
11 One similar order affected a shellfish farm in Loch Moidart a few miles further north , but that was granted to the Government 's Sea Fish Industry Authority for research .
12 For example , the Turkish translation of ( 95 ) might be glossed as ( 96 ) , where the proximal demonstrative anaphorically refers to the first referent introduced , and the distal demonstrative to the second : ( 95 ) John and Mary came into the room : he was laughing but she was crying ( 96 ) John and Mary came into the room : this was laughing , but that was crying In that case , there are good arguments for considering that anaphora ultimately rests on deictic notions ( Lyons , 1977a : 671 ) .
13 The only other entrance was a small door to the left of the sanctuary but that was closed with a padlock , rusting with age , and obviously had not been opened for years .
14 I thought about the gin , but that was tarred with the same brush .
15 But that was reduced to 118 by the end of January and he hoped the figure would be nil by the end of March .
16 The cars used to set off at one-minute intervals , originally starting at 9.00 p.m. on a Saturday but that was changed in 1949 to midnight , .
17 The date by which all supplies should have met the Directive 's standard was July 1985 , but little was done in the UK as the government hoped to negotiate a laxer standard .
18 But little was known of the nature and causation of mental disorder and so provision for treatment was minimal .
19 Most of the coastal details of these islands were fairly well known to the hydrographers of both the British and Dutch navies , but little was known about their inland geography .
20 Most households left the cities through unplanned decentralization , but some were moved as a result of specific planning policies .
21 Many specimens are made from mammoth ivory , but some were made from a variety of stones or even from fired clay .
22 Most either thought it did n't matter as long as they got relief for their tension and frustration and saw it as a way of keeping the peace , but some were trying through women 's groups or assertion therapy to express themselves more honestly .
23 Most of the dressers were on a basic daily rate but some were paid on a measure of their work done .
24 The Anfielders did not have permission to approach the player , but this was granted at a dinner with the Aberdeen party that evening .
25 Certainly the weight of military spending was much greater ( 9.4 per cent of GDP as against 3.9 per cent ) , but this was balanced by lower spending on civil programmes , especially social security transfers , which took 8.6 per cent of GDP in other countries and only 5 .
26 But this was limited to the eastern half of the county since the Lord Lieutenant , the Duke of Richmond , felt that it would interfere with the traditional authority of the magnates , and local opinion in the west deferred to this view until 1856 .
27 Only municipal socialism offered any coherent alternative , but this was limited by its restriction to the local level ; the balance of power went against it and it has now been thrown back .
28 It laid down the general principle of comprehensive education which would have ended selection over a period ( but this was repealed in the 1979 Act ) .
29 Of his designs in a classical manner the first identified was a proposal of 1752 — in the form of an Italianate palazzo and based in part on an elevation in Sebastiano Serlio 's Tutte L'Opera D'Architettura ( book vii , p. 49 ) — for rebuilding Hagley Hall , Worcestershire , for Sir George ( later first Baron ) Lyttelton [ q.v. ] ; but this was rejected in favour of a conventionally Palladian one by Sanderson Miller [ q.v . ] .
30 The latter proposed an 18-point austerity plan but this was rejected by the council , and on Oct. 2 some 5,000 municipal workers went on strike in protest at the non-payment of their salaries .
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