Example sentences of "but [adj] [noun pl] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 But even ISE chairman Hugh Smith admits that on the broking side not only will London 's share of cross-border deals have to fall ( it is now precariously high at 90% ) , but that brokers will have to be big and robust or smart and small to survive .
2 Black males and white women could be used to represent the next highest rungs of the ladder , but lower ones would have to be found in the fossil record .
3 Fourth Division TOWCESTRIANS with an outstanding 1991/92 season in which they won the East Midlands Colts Cup and won 28 of 30 matches , are planning an even more successful campaign , but few clubs could have enjoyed a better pre-season build up than COLCHESTER .
4 It 's reckoned Swindon are too soft … not quick or hard enough for the premier league but few sides would have stopped the Anfield army at full charge …
5 The clumps and individual Lees we see today may only have been planted in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries as part of the general landscape revival , on the apparent whim of an individual farmer , but some clumps may have survived better than others because the energies were right , and this may have enabled some of them to have had a continued existence from more distant times .
6 Our Russian translator , Igor , spoke to them , but non-Russian speakers should have no problems providing they treat the officials with respect and courtesy .
7 The entire team will have the incentive to be diligent , including being diligent in monitoring each other , but individual managers will have this incentive only if their own contribution is identifiable , and in the nature of things this will probably not be possible .
8 But these reasons may have little to do with intrinsic features of their religion .
9 He said : ‘ I am concerned but these figures may have something to do with the fact that as a direct result of the Warrington bombing and shooting the serious crime squad has been completely centred at Warrington , which has left the rest of the county without adequate cover .
10 It was warm over here by the fire and there was an unpleasant stench of stale giant and the surreptitious breaking of wind from Goll the Gorm who had eaten too much onion broth again , but these things would have to be overlooked .
11 But these children could have a wonderful chance to improve their skills .
12 But these tapes will have blank passages on them , for I never , never record the actual technique .
13 But late frosts may have hit the barleys , he believes .
14 Castle Drachenfels is designed to present a challenge to characters of all levels of experience , but inexperienced adventurers will have to be very careful indeed if they want to survive their visit to the Castle !
15 Not only that , but all regions will have a direct say in European affairs at E C level , thanks to the creation of a new community institution the Committee of the Regions .
16 Big , old-established unions may lend up to £5,000 or even more ( the legal maximum is £10,000 ) , but smaller unions may have a limit of a few hundred , and a new member may only get £100 .
17 The cause of Dupuytren 's disease is unknown , but inflammatory cells might have a role .
18 She might still have shed a few tears when the dogs were put down but those tears could have represented a fitting tribute of respect to lovely creatures whom human beings treat so shabbily .
19 It is true that several countries have problems with the agricultural part of the round , but those problems will have to be resolved .
20 Yeah , my fault my Lord , yes they both did but those weapons would have been holstered .
21 John Foster Fraser and two friends cycled round the world on more conventional cycles in 1896 , but 19,237 miles must have felt very tough on the slow , heavy bikes of the time .
22 But atmospheric conditions may have been different in the past .
23 first , the existence of these private but non-fee-paying schools will have a deeply depressing , if not fatal , effect on other schools in the area , and especially on the science provision in those schools .
24 But Western observers may have grounds for scepticism .
25 But other things will have to be worked through .
26 Soviet spokesmen naturally used various arguments to encourage the neutralists to work for the dissolution of CENTO and SEATO , but Soviet leaders may have recognised already in the 1960s that these alliances were operating more effectively as political symbols than as military structures .
27 Unaffected adventurers can help their friends to leave the Tower , but affected characters will have to be manhandled out of the place .
28 Often calendars and diaries will be unpriced on delivery but most titles will have an ISBN or EAN for those booksellers with EPOS .
29 The 9000-year-old agriculture there is now based largely on cultigens , including taro and bananas of south-east Asia , arriving before 4500 BP , but earlier phases could have been sustained using native species , including indigenous bananas , yams , pandans and sugar cane .
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