Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [was/were] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So far as the privately rented sector was concerned , the government 's proposals were for the automatic decontrol of all dwellings with a rateable value over £40 in London and over £30 in the rest of England and Wales .
2 I had a bottle of VP Rich Ruby wine , and Darren 's tablets were in the house , and I had some pain killers .
3 We do know what Jack 's views were of the Christian and sexual morality : ‘ There is no getting away from it : the Christian rule is ‘ Either marriage , with complete faithfulness to your partner , or else total abstinence . ’
4 Magill 's offices were towards the top of a modest tower on midtown Madison .
5 Burun 's eyes were on the nearing dust cloud .
6 Theda could not but feel sorry for her , but Benedict 's eyes were on the lawyer , who had paused .
7 That at least was the rationale behind the nepotism , though in practice Nicolae Ceauşescu 's brothers were as little use to him in the final analysis as Napoleon 's brothers were to the beleaguered emperor .
8 Now the depot office the they in those days controlled what a man 's duties were for the next day and a man did n't know what he was on until about twelve o'clock one day what he was on the next day .
9 ‘ Armstrong 's keys were in the pocket , ’ said Bunny .
10 The main concentration of the Department 's buildings was on the south side of Pall Mall , where the Board of Ordnance was originally established in 1806 .
11 Pont 's cartoons were in the Punch tradition of George du Maurier [ q.v. ] and Frank Reynolds , poking fun at the middle classes .
12 Four months after the centenary celebrations and they still pour forth P though in truth we have had plenty of warning that Gavrilov 's contributions were on the way .
13 But trading standards say the company 's actions were within the law .
14 The judge in instructing the jury sought to direct its attention to certain factors which might have a bearing on whether or not the defendant 's actions were against the complainant 's will .
15 So that we know we 've got to cover that and it was just er Caroline , Karen 's suggestions were in the external order , was that we , we should draw up some kind of plan , with dates as to say right , okay , we 're gon na do the work first .
16 The Duke 's rooms were on the first floor , in the new buildings of the castle , and Antoinette 's room was on the same floor .
17 George 's rooms were on the first floor ; they had the traditional stolidity of a steak and kidney pie and were much the same colour .
18 Foucault is correct to identify Cuvier as a central figure in these debates , even if he exaggerates how successful Cuvier 's arguments were at the time .
19 Hodai had said that the Khan 's wives were with the clan on the Merkut hereditary pastureland a day 's ride north of Kinsai .
20 After a few questions and answers swap roles , and then discuss how convincing the Christian 's answers were to the non-Christian .
21 Both country 's leaders were from the same generation Clinton is 46 , Major 49 and came up the hard way , she added .
22 Luce opened her eyes to find that a burly stranger in workmen 's overalls was at the wheel , and she was lying cradled against Michele 's chest , her head on his shoulder .
23 Siward 's men were over the stream .
24 But he said the rest of Perry 's bars were within the required .
25 The Emperor 's apartments were on the ground floor and included as well as his bedroom those rooms set aside for work , for it was from here that Napoleon III governed .
26 A further deviation from Palmerston 's and Hammond 's requirements was in the provision of an official residence for the Secretary of State .
27 Lord Petre 's stoves were among the largest in the world and their produce was unrivalled as Collinson continued :
28 Diana 's thoughts were on the profound changes ahead .
29 Inevitably Wycliffe 's thoughts were on the basin by the house on stilts .
30 your Lordship 's findings were to the age of nineteen a total of nine , three , six , five , O. From the age of nineteen , six , five , two , two , one , O and from the sum of those two figures
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