Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] might be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which these young people were able to read and write , even when claiming that ability , was often limited to stringing together a few simple words — the Lord 's Prayer might be learned " parrot fashion " .
2 He postures as a political activist , and the solidarity forced on the quintet by Shatov 's murder might be expected to make them a more effective instrument .
3 The teacher 's demonstration might be countered by the retort that other things besides chalk leave white traces on a blackboard .
4 He did so in order that the just requirement set out in God 's law might be fulfilled in us who live our lives not after the principle of self-effort but in the power of the Spirit .
5 In a few days Riddle 's body might be found and the two women would almost certainly arrange an elaborate funeral which they would attend and shed a few crocodile tears .
6 Mrs. Campbell hoped that a tide waiter 's post might be found for the man , but there was more to it than charity , for , as she advised her cousin , William Anderson 's brother was a rich baker who had lately filled the office of deacon convener of trades in Stirling , and ‘ as he has a near connection with severalls in the present management I wish if possible you could fall on a way to get this small thing for him , it wou 'd make a noise amongest the folks to see that we are at pains to do for them ’ .
7 Meanwhile the court organist at Salzburg , Adlgasser , had died suddenly in December 1777 and it was suggested to Leopold that Mozart 's name might be put foward for the post .
8 There are fears that , with its loss of independence , GMAG 's role might be downgraded to preparing general standards of risk assessment and containment , and the major responsibility of assessing each individual project would pass to the HSE .
9 More clearly , Hume 's argument might be interpreted as an attack on the assumption that a distinction between numerical and qualitative identity can be reliably and unambiguously drawn on the basis of certain empirical criteria .
10 It is nevertheless worth examining some more recent theories to see if they can suggest ways in which the implications of Brooke-Rose 's approach might be applied to novelistic texts .
11 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
12 Boxtree 's children 's list might be accused of flash in the pan publishing — some flash , some pan .
13 Dublin 's culture might be found in the ghost city we half remember , half imagine .
14 A note had arrived at the surgery from the lady in Chester saying that after careful study of the X-rays she thought that Mr Spottiswoode 's pain might be connected with a chest problem .
15 If Rosa Luxemburg 's internationalism might be used as a cover for German chauvinism in Prussia , in Russia it was its potential as a cover for Russian chauvinism which motivated Lenin .
16 It occurred to Scarlet that Constance 's house might be burdened with an embarrassment of cardboard boxes containing knickers or transistors which the police should not be permitted to notice .
17 Dupuytren 's disease might be triggered by the interaction of environmental factors with the primary genetic defect .
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