Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The World Bank 's funding of a highway that cut through central and west Brazil with " devastating " results was also cited .
2 In addition to Saudi Arabia 's installation of the east-west ‘ Petroline ’ linking the huge Ghawar oilfield to the Red Sea coast , Iraq had also laid a strategic line to enable oil from its southern fields to be sent out via Syria in the event of difficulties in the Gulf .
3 The most eloquent and best known part of the Laws is book v , which contains Hooker 's defence of the liturgy and rites of the Church of England .
4 Barber 's defence of the City 's political liberties and trading interests made him very popular in London circles .
5 This theme — the need to be fair to ‘ the majority ’ — emerges again and again in this document 's defence of the rule , and bolsters up the most tenuous arguments .
6 All too often Milton Friedman 's defence of the market economy is couched in such pragmatic terms that is obscures its true philosophical underpinnings .
7 If the decision is made to stop then the first step is to advise your customer 's buyer of the situation promptly .
8 A seminal influence in this style of thinking has been Gilbert Ryle 's exposure of the category mistake , which implies that the most logically organized case may crumble because it turns out to depend on unnoticed analogies .
9 BRAC 's trial of the rice-salt solution ( described in Chapter 7 ) naturally had to include a ‘ control ’ union , in which the standard teaching of the lobon-gur solution took place .
10 Those who wish to pursue the matter further can readily turn to specialist books or to such admirable general works as Geoffrey Ashall Glaisher 's Glossary of the Book ( first published 1960 and recently reissued ) .
11 The husband agreed that the wife should have the maisonette , but appealed against the judge 's award of a lump sum of £1m on the grounds ( 1 ) that the judge was wrong in principle to make an award to enable the wife to buy a hotel ; and ( 2 ) that in any case the amount was excessive .
12 SARAH LOOSEMORE 's award of a place at Oxford University means that the British game may again have to contend with the loss of one of its major assets .
13 BAFTAGATE , the television 's industry 's most gripping drama , took a new turn yesterday when the four Bafta judges who complained about last month 's award of a prize to ITV 's Prime Suspect , demanded that Bafta produce the ballot slips .
14 It 's a good artist 's sketch of a building , ’ he said , but warned that giving more money to Congress was like giving an alcoholic a liquor store .
15 Right : Hardy 's sketch of the view across Westminster , April 1863 .
16 NEW YORK artpunk sonically salutes Charlie with this trippy tribute to the Family 's slaughter of the hippy '60s .
17 This year 's winner of the Director 's Prize was Mr Barry Grewcock .
18 At Rome in the 250s a split occurred between the rigorists led by Novatian who believed that for apostates there could be no restoration in this life , and those who saw no restriction in the Lord 's committal of the power of the keys to bind and loose .
19 Mr. Adey 's judgement of the state of the old House of Industry was harsh , but possibly justified by the facts contained in the last annual report and account , up to March 1836 , by which time the average number of inmates had fallen to sixty-six .
20 There was an obvious danger in such a situation — the danger that concern to keep down the compensation bill would affect the ministry 's judgement of the planning merits of particular cases .
21 In ordinary language , this ordered pair can be rendered as follows : the satisfaction of readers is dependent on their judgement of the processing effort required to derive a reading as well as on the perceived effort put into the writing of the text ; the reader 's judgement of the author 's satisfaction is similarly dependent on the perceived costs to the writer as well as the notion of the writer gaining satisfaction from the reader 's effort and enjoyment of the text .
22 Praise to thee , Lord , ’ he continued St Francis of Assisi 's Canticle of the Sun , ‘ for our sister , Mother Earth . ’
23 Now , given that the government 's support of the idea of Strasbourg as being a permanent place of meeting for the European parliament .
24 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
25 In gratefully acknowledging the Association 's support of the Appeal , Sir Thomas outlined the progress made to date and gave details of planned events for the immediate future .
26 A demonstration organized by the People 's Front to protest against the leadership 's support of the coup was violently broken up by militia on Aug. 23 .
27 These are the bureaucrats whom he contrasts with those of other states in a way which is highly pertinent to Lenin 's formulation of the problem : ‘ Bureaucrats in a non-communist state have political masters , usually elected , or owners over them , while communists have neither masters nor owners over them ’ ( Djilas 1957 , pp. 43–4 ) .
28 And in the end it was Leo 's formulation of the faith that was accepted by the Council fathers .
29 Dicey 's formulation of the idea of the ‘ rule of law ’ , while evoking the idea of Parliament and the courts as being the true fountains of law within the British constitution , is not without its ambiguities .
30 Whatever the details of a rationalist 's formulation of the criterion , an important feature of it is its universality and ahistorical character .
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