Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This arises from the fact that unemployment or underemployment will reduce the household 's income and constrain the demand for goods .
2 Unlikely as it may seem now , it was Evelyn Waugh who came to Wilson 's defence and acknowledged the brilliance and aptness of the book 's main conceit , which — given the turn of events in Eastern and Central Europe — is apropos once more .
3 Testing of children has always legitimately had separate purposes : diagnostic — to enable the teacher to calibrate their own assessment of a child 's difficulty and judge the next best line for development ; setting of tests to establish mastery of a particular piece of learning when of concept , skill or information ; and standardised to set one 's own information against some comparators .
4 ‘ I would encourage every woman running a Merseyside-based business , whether as a director or a manager , to enter this year 's award and get the recognition they deserve . ’
5 As expected ( UX No 386 ) , Olivetti used its event in Rome last week — see front page — to steal Pyramid Technology Corp 's thunder and introduce a 24-CPU version of the MIPS R3000-based LSX 6500 transaction processing systems which are rebadged MIServers from the Mountain View , California-based company .
6 We have of course made it clear that those techs who were piloting er the out of school childcare initiative er will continue er to be funded er along with all other techs from ninety four , five and although of course I can not preempt the tech 's judgement and take a view on that particular scheme , er I can say that funding will continue for techs for that purpose .
7 The skimming process removes vitamin A from cow 's milk and reduces the calorie content .
8 Whilst you are waiting for the expert help to arrive , there is no reason why you should not take the person 's case and find a remedy for him .
9 ‘ The Secretary-General had a word with the hospital 's administrator who reluctantly agreed to make an exception in the Colonel 's case and waive the normal visiting hours .
10 In many respects they were not deceived by the images of life portrayed in women 's literature but had a very realistic idea of what married life held in store for them .
11 And they kill from spite : they despise the colour of another 's skin and resent the way another worships God .
12 The water helps to keep the elephant cool and clean ; and the dust may encrust the animal 's skin and provide an extra layer of protection from biting flies .
13 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
14 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
15 Community workers on Skerne Park last night praised the county council 's decision and welcomed an end to the threatened bus boycott .
16 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
17 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
18 ‘ I opened Keith 's shirt and saw a bullet hole just a little bigger than my middle finger nail .
19 Parents like to see the headteacher 's initials on their child 's reading card , they appreciate that the head is taking a personal interest in their child 's progress and keeping a general eye on activities in classrooms .
20 Eventually this deepened below the random of Fleming 's Level and rendered the pumping and winding sump at the intersection obsolete .
21 It 's a pilot 's favourite and has a reputation for being safe and reliable .
22 Merely looking at one 's watch and giving the right time is usually enough to prevent the completely accurate recall of an unfamiliar telephone number .
23 Three High Court judges sitting as Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn dismissed her appeal against the tribunal 's finding but varied the sentence to one of suspension for five years .
24 On Nov. 12 , URD-PCT supporters had erected barricades in central Brazzaville , blocking the capital 's two main avenues , as the two parties called on Lissouba to accept the government 's resignation and to appoint a new prime minister from the parliamentary majority ( the URD-PCT alliance ) .
25 On 15 May 1660 Willys was condemned but pardoned , on condition of never again coming into the king 's presence or entering the verges of the court .
26 In any event , the grant of an option to renew may depress the value of the landlord 's reversion and reduce the number of potential purchasers of it since the plans of a purchaser who wishes to redevelop or to occupy the property for the purposes of his own business may be frustrated by the exercise of the option .
27 First Joshua and Caleb , two of those sent as spies into Canaan , try to persuade the people to trust in God 's protection and to have no fear .
28 Item ten , which I think is the probations committee budget I will move to accept the probations committee 's budget and to agree an increased county council contribution of twenty-six thousand pounds .
29 This can threaten the best interests of conservation of both the natural and the built environment , undermine the quality of the visitor 's experience and jeopardise the standard of life of the indigenous communities .
30 One spring Saturday morning he bounded down the path by Albert Piggott 's cottage and gained the path leading to Dotty 's and finally to Lulling Woods .
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